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subreport reference on jasper server


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So, unfortunately I've been out of the iReport/jasperserver game for a while.  I've been getting a new server up to run jasperserver and finally got that all working.  I'm using iReport 4.5.0 and when creating a new report on jasperserver it no longer asks me about subreports.  So, when I try to run the report on the jasper server it has my local machine path for the subreport.  This is even though the sup report parameter says subreport dir and not an absolute path.

I'm not sure of the last version of iReport I used but it seems like it used to ask you about the subreports and whether you wanted to include them.

I guess there are two questions, is that feature gone and if so how to you go about telling iReport/Jasperserver about the subreports.

Additionally, the error says it's looking for the .jasper file for the subreport and that it can't find it on my local machine. Why in the world is it looking for it there.  Did something change in the iReport world where I need to upload a .jasper file as well.



Post Edited by jvway at 03/08/2012 01:50
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