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jasperreports-server community edition can setup on ms sql server db?


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Yes, we definitely support MySQL.

However, the used to be a problem with MySQL 5.5 (ie the most current MySQL version) because of reserved word changes in the newest MySQL. 

But the good news is that JasperReports Server 4.5.0 now supports MySQL 5.5 *and* 4.5.0 is being released today!


The best way to install to MySQL 5.x is to use the "war file distribution zip" (which is file jasperreports-server-cp-4.5.0-bin.zip)

There is an "auto-install" procedure where you add you DB settings info to a property file - and then install from the command line.

Please download the Install-Guide PDF. And take a look at Chapter 5. Also, the release notes give a brief description of how to install with the auto-install.

(The binary installers only install to the postgresql database).

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Oops, I just noticed that you are talking about MS SQL Server (not MySQL!).

There are some users who are running with SQL Server from the Community (ie non-commercial). They have modified the postgresql or mysql db scripts so that they are SQL Server syntax. So, you can do a Forum search to find those entries.

The SQL Server is "certified" under the commercial version of the product (which means that QA runs through a full cycle of testing from end-to-end). But to get it running under Community you just need to get the DB setup and then add the sql server specific entries to the database config files. (See chapter 6.1 of the Install Guide for some info on manual DB setup). And you will need the SQL Server JDBC driver (which can be downloaded from microsoft). (Also see section 6.3.4 "JDBC Drivers").

The jasperserver/WEB-INF/hibernate.properties will need to correct hibernate dialect for SQL Server too.

SQL Server metadata.hibernate.dialect=com.jaspersoft.ji.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerJICustomDialect

I believer that class is actually part of the Community code base. So should be available.


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