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Dashboard and Gauges


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I have created a dahboard with Gauges that works well, it counts how many items have been made through the day.  What I would like to do is change the colour of the needle dynamically.  I could then work out if they are on target for that days production.

I would then change the needle between green and red to show how they are performing.




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I think you'd be better off leaving the pointer a single color, but defining colors for the ranges on the dial (maybe "Low" is colored red and represents values 0 to 35, "Medium" is yellow and represents 36 to 70, while "High" is green and represents 71 to 100, for example).  Not only is the gauge widget already set up to be able to handle such range color definitions, but you'd be giving the user more info that just whether or not they're on track.  They would be able to see what the cutoff is for "on track" and how close to that edge they really are.  As you probably know, gauges are very wasteful when it comes to the amount of space they take up just to represent a single value.  There are other options that take up less room and can show more information, such as Stephen Few's bullet chart or even a linear gauge instead of a round one.  If they really need to know the value being displayed with any accuracy, you'll probably have to actually PRINT the value itself, in addition to the gauge chart.  You ALWAYS see gauges in demos of dashboard software, and pretty much anyone who asks for a dashboard assumes it's going to look like a 747 cockpit, but they're really pretty awful to use.  If the "good vs. bad" coloring is important, you also need to worry about the approximately 8% of males who are color-blind.   They can't tell green from red (in the most common form of color-blindness), yet using other colors that we as a society haven't been conditioned to automatically associate with anything could be a problem as well.

If you insist on using a round gauge, then my recommendation is to define colored ranges instead of a dynamically colored needle, but personally, I've sworn off of gauges, pie charts, 3-D charts, and anything else that takes up too much space for too little (or even misleading) information.


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  • 11 months later...

Hi Jasemilly/cbarlow3

I am also looking for linear gauge for my dashboard .How to set up that .I have a designed a dashboard ,now I want to control that using this Linear gauge.

Please explain me step by step .I am new to jasper.

I have JasperPro 5.0 edition trail edition as well as 4.7 community edition installed.






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