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Problems with "setfontName" dynamically


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Hello, I have the following problem:

I want to know when creating a report, whether a text field can display the text or not and if not I want to set a Unicode font.

For this purpose I use the scriptlet to set the appropriate font on the appropriate text box.
It works far too well.

Unfortunately, while filling all the text fields are always used only the first font set.

This means that the method "jrBaseTextElement.setFontName (UNICODE_FONT) " only works once.




protected void checkUnicodeFont(String str, String reportKey){    try    {	JasperReport jasperReport = (JasperReport) getParameterValue("JASPER_REPORT");	JRBand[] bands = jasperReport.getDetailSection().getBands();	for (JRBand jrBand : bands)	{	    JRElement element = jrBand.getElementByKey(reportKey);	    if (element instanceof JRBaseTextElement)	    {		JRBaseTextElement jrBaseTextElement = (JRBaseTextElement) element;		String reportFontName = jrBaseTextElement.getFontName();		Font reportFont = new Font(reportFontName, Font.PLAIN, 10);		if (reportFont.canDisplayUpTo(str) != -1)		{		    jrBaseTextElement.setFontName(UNICODE_FONT);		}	    }	}    }    catch (Exception e)    {	LogWriter.error(this,  "Couldn't set font '" + UNICODE_FONT                             + "' for the report field '" + reportKey + "'", e);    }}[/code]			
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You are trying to use the API in a way it was not designed to work. You learned that the hard way.


Currently, one way to change the font at runtime is by using conditional styles:

Please check the samples:



Another way to ensure fonts support a certain language is if you use font extensions and depending on the current report locale (REPORT_LOCALE parameter) the appropriate font is picked up from the font extension, provided that several font families have the same name, but support different locales:



You could also try styled text, the font being specified as part of the markup itself, dynamically.



I hope this helps.


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