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Classpath for JavaBean set datasource in web-application


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Hi! I'm using JasperReports and iReport.

My web application is running on Tomcat. It usesSpring and Hibernate  frameworks in its core. Also it has special servlet for reporting with JasperReports.

By now it was enough for me to use simple jdbc datasource in my reports and I was happy because my job of creating reports was easy enough. I used iReport for visual development of reports and then deployed them into the web-application.

Now I face the challenge of making a little more sophisticated report. It should have more then one datasource and I decided to use JavaBeans set datasource instead jdbc.

I took sample from "iReport ultimate guide" where JavaBeans set datasources  described well, made classes precisely like they say,  changed classpath in  iReport and enjoied the result. It works!

But when I began to develop report for my web-application it striked me that I can't do anything to put my classes in classpath of iReport. I have only war - file,  wich contain the classes I need, but even when I put this war file in classpath I had ClassNotFound errors. Then I took another approach and packed my classes in jar. It helped a lot. Instead of ClassNotFound exeption I got General problem: null

At this point I inderstood I should try to ask Real Professionals what to do in my case

How can I Use IReport to build reports when my webApplication is not even running?

Where I can see th stacktrace of the exception: General problem: null which occures when i test JavaBeans set datasource  in IReport?

Thanks in advance!

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Hi chumansky,

I'm facing almost the same problem You did two and a half years ago :(

In my case it's weblogic and ADF as app server and framework respectivelly, and iReport v5 as a designer app, but the result is the same.

I get a "General problem: null" in designer with no stack trace whatsoever. I even started ireport from console (linux, Ubuntu 13.10) to see if one could get an error trace on stdout - but it's a no-go.

Did You eventually manage to solve this problem? How?

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