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  1. Hi Timbo2013, Can You please give an example of the code You used?
  2. Hi chumansky, I'm facing almost the same problem You did two and a half years ago :( In my case it's weblogic and ADF as app server and framework respectivelly, and iReport v5 as a designer app, but the result is the same. I get a "General problem: null" in designer with no stack trace whatsoever. I even started ireport from console (linux, Ubuntu 13.10) to see if one could get an error trace on stdout - but it's a no-go. Did You eventually manage to solve this problem? How?
  3. OK. That is all if the data is common between main and sub-report... But how to check if sub-report has data if the dataset used in subreport is generated from new SQL that is called on the database connection? I tried using variable that I fill with return value from the sub-report, but because the page break is before the subreport I always get null value in the variable I'm testing in printwhenexpression. How to circumvent this behavior?
  4. Hi! I have found some other questions and answers regarding the showing of images stored in BLOB fields in various databases but it seems that none of the combinations presented work for Firebird DB server :( This is the setup: Ubuntu 13.04 64 bitFireBird v2.1 DB serveriReport v5.0JayBird JDBC driver v 2.2.1field in the DB table has the following definition: "ZB_SKICA BLOB segment 80, subtype BINARY Nullable"I tried setting the field $F{ZB_SKICA} in iReport Designer to java.io.InputStream and for the picture element I have set the "Expression Class" property to java.awt.Image and "Expression" property to $F{ZB_SKICA} - when clicking on the "Preview" button I only get the following Message in the dialog box "Error displaying report page. See the console for details" but there isn't any details on the console only this: When I set the field to the java.awt.Image class I get this: Can anyone help me, please!
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