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Multiple Measures In CrossTab Report


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I am in the process of evaluating Jaspersoft for my company. Currently I am looking at the ad-hoc reporting features in the tool and have come across something that I feel should be pretty straight forward but can't seem to find a solution for....I have searched the forums and not come up with anything so thought I'd toss this out to the community. 

I am building a basic crosstabe report from a domain that I created. The domain has 2 measures (days and counts) and 2 dimensional attributes (Program and Customer). My issue is that if you add 2 measures to the data panel in the crosstab report these meaures are by default stacked....and I want to display these side by side. I can't find any method for performing this and to be honest it seems odd that stacked measures are the default. Other BI tools I have worked with usually default to these appearing side by side (such as with an excel pivot table). 

The other issue I am finsing is that the crosstab forces you to have both row and column dimensions selected. There are times where I want to create a `pivot` with just side labels and the measures......no dimensional attribute across the top........from what I can tell you can neither save nor run the crosstab unless both the side and top have been defined. I certainly could be just missing something here but I would hope the crosstab functionaity would at least allow for these basic this that can be done in an excel pivot table. 

Any assistance that you could offer me would be greatly appreciated. I have been working with Hyperion Performance Suite and WebFocus for the past 10 years so the open source tools are a bit new to me and I am fighting with the fact they don't seem as `mature` as the tools I am used to working with.




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The answer to both your questions is that the limitations you have encountered are real--you aren't missing anything and there are no workarounds.

That said, we understand these limitations are frustrating and are working on eliminating them.


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