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how to format the Date input parameter in jrxml?


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 Hello Everyone,

                             I am posting here because of an issue trying to format the input date parameter.I was also on the look out for some good tutorials to use ireports for making jasper reports.


My problem is that I am trying to use the input parameter as a date , it has a different format, once received, it is in date format. this is because the input is being passed by the ireport. Now , after receiving the date parameter. I am trying to format in the form of 

yyyy-MM-dd . Now since I am new to ireports. I am trying to understand how to make used of the $P{startDate} which is the input to get converted to a String with the format mentioned above , so that I may use it in my query for further processing.

So, in essence, I want to format my Date input to Simple Date format yyyy-MM-dd in jrxml?



Please let me know if there are any good tutorials on Jasper Server and Ireports.

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