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What is needed to create Interactive Reports with drill down capabilities


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What would be the best route to take in order to create interactive reports with drill down capabilites? As an example, lets say we have a list of names:




This list will be part of a webpage. When clicking one of the names another list should show up with data related to the person clicked, like this:


Sold cars

Type           Price          Date

Skoda        $5000       11/2/2010

Audi A3      $30000      11/8/2010




What would be the best way to acheive this using JasperReports. Would I use JasperReports, iReport and JasperServer?

Thank you!

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About the best I'm aware of is with some hyperlink trickery. Even that just points to other, external reports. Jasper doesn't have any clean out of the box drill down support, at least in the community editions. If I were trying to accomplish this, I'd use JSF/Primefaces and do it in a web page.
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Thanks for the reply!

It would not be an issue going with one of Jasper's Professional or Enterprise services/products. But I wanted to make sure that what we are trying to accomplish could be done with Jasper (any edtion).

Using JSF could be one way to go but that introduces another level of complexity.

How about the JasperServer functionality or is it JasperAnalysis I should be looking at?



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It does seem that there is a Jasper professional product that will accomplish this:


JasperForge Quotes: "HTML Template Exporter is an alternative HTML exporter with templates to preserve free-form page layout and allow column sorting, hide/showing sections, and pop-up windows."


If you can nest the hiding/showing of sections, then there's your drill down solution. Apparently it's an add on to jasperreports/ireports, costs $200.


Hope this helps,


Nathan M.

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It was just in a random "JasperForge Quotes" that appear at the bottom of the page, and I did a little googling just to confirm its existence. I couldn't find it directly on their site, or would have saved you the trouble. Looks like you'll have to contact JasperForge directly for more information.


Good luck,



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