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Relative path for subreport


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Hi @all,

searching this forum, I found no hint to solve my problem:

I have a report (iReport 3.7.4, Win7-64) in this directory: C:\Users\Public\DocMgr\JRXML\Personen\Listen_Personen\

Subreports should be placed in: C:\Users\Public\DocMgr\JRXML\subreports

As I don't know the directory structure of the target pc, I've to address the subreport relatively. This should be solved via the parameter "SUBREPORT_DIR". This works fine if I fill it with the absolute path (C:\\Users\\Public\\DocMgr\\JRXML\\subreports\\) - but not with the relative one (..\\..\\subreports\\). I suppose, that my syntax for relative adressing is wrong... the error message is: java.lang.Exception: ..\..\subreports\mysubreport.jrmxl not found

Can anybody help?


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hm, the "Subreport Expression" is  $P{SUBREPORT_DIR}+"briefkopf_hoch.jasper". In the subdirectoy there are both files. Somwhere there is the setting "compile supreports" or similar... so iReports tries to compile it --> jrxml  (if I understand it correctly).



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The jrxml file is just the file used for development. The JaspersReport engine uses the compiled file (.jasper) for processing the report. iReport automatically compile the jrxml file before executing the jasper file itself.


I guess the $P{SUBREPORT_DIR} parameter defaults to the same directory as the master report like this "". If you haven't done yet maybe you need to set this parameter to "../../subreports" first.


Personally I just use the relative path directly as the suberport expression, reffering to the relative location of the .jasper file.

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Personally I just use the relative path directly as the suberport expression, reffering to the relative location of the .jasper file.

This is interesting... how do you write this exactly? In my case I would write: ""..//..//subreports//briefkopf_hoch.jasper" wich is interpreted by the compiler as "../../subreports/briefkopf_hoch.jasper". This expression is correct in all my knowledge of 20 years in IT... but doesn't work! :-(



( backslashes printed as slashes!)

Post Edited by toxy at 09/15/2010 06:46
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  • 5 months later...

The problem was solved by our db-developer... the calling application overwrites the parameter "SUBREPORT_DIR" with the right value of the actual installation. So I can develop my reports with a fixed subreports-path according to my installation, customer's installation doesn't bother me...


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