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Jasper and HTML?

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By: Henry Voyer - hevo

Jasper and HTML?

2003-10-20 10:18

Hi again everyone


Is it possible to insert texts in html format. For using tags like bold, break, etc etc. ?


And how to do it?


Thanks again







By: Adam Silverthorne - doog2112

RE: Jasper and HTML?

2003-10-20 10:37


No. You must change the font style in your XML report definition for things like bold etc...





By: Henry Voyer - hevo

RE: Jasper and HTML?

2003-10-20 12:45



Thats a really good funcionality missing from jasper. Im using jasper report for printing documents and sometimes theses are done dynamicaly.


If we could dynamicaly or customely use html to input texts and stuff this will be a great feature.


Anyone thinking in implementing this? Is there another report tool that can do this?


Regards and thanks.






By: Henry Voyer - hevo

RE: Jasper and HTML?

2003-10-21 10:34

Thanks a lot.







By: Adam Silverthorne - doog2112

RE: Jasper and HTML?

2003-10-21 09:47


Jasper is designed to output to formats other than just HTML, including PDF and XLS. Straight HTML code with no context in the report would screw this up. If your trying to dynamically change some properties, you can do the same thing in jasper through other means. Check out PrintWhenExpression and also look at the noxmldesign sample project to see how you can dynamically create a design at runtime.






By: Ian Booth - ibooth

RE: Jasper and HTML?

2003-10-21 23:09

I don't think the original poster wanted the raw HTML to be output in the report - this would be silly as you say. What would be really useful though is if simple HTML containing just basic font and formatting information could be entered into a text field (or loaded from a database query into a text field) and the engine would parse this formatting info and output the appropriately formatted text for the chosen report format.

This would be especially useful in web apps, where you can get these nice in place HTML formatting toolbars for textarea fields. You want users to be able to enter and format their text (which is stored as HTML in the database), and then generate a report (to pdf for example) which includes, amongst other things, this text formatted the right way.

I think the author of Jasper said on a previous thread he was considering implementing this functionality. I would love to see this as I have a real need for it.

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Hi there,


as I am looking for exactly the same functionality I read your post with interest. Are there any news on this topic?


I want to use JasperReport to produce our company's documents in predefined output like winword .dot files (templates).

The idea was to design a report (document) with iReport and get the "message body" from input paramater at runtime or from a database or from a temporary textfile with very basic formatting.

Does anyone have hints for me?

Thanks in advance!


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