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Disable Pagination

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By: Cool dude - vizagm

Disable Pagination

2003-10-10 06:39

Hi !

Can someone please help me with diabling pagination for an XLS Report








By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: Disable Pagination

2003-10-12 01:49




Since the 0.4.6 version, there is the "nopagebreak"

sample placed under the /demo/samples directory inside

the project tree that shows this.


Thank you,







By: Cool dude - vizagm

RE: Disable Pagination

2003-10-17 03:02

Hi Teodord,


Thanks a lot for replying to my mail earlier.

I did get the sample and had a look at that. But that doesn t serve my problem. Basically what I am trying to do is as follows. I have a JasperPrint object which I use to view my report. This jasperPrint object is compiled by the JasperManager.fillReport by passing in the relevant design, parameters and datasource. Now as per my understanding this jasperprint object has multiple pages in it depending on the size of my datasource.

Now when I view my report I have an option in my application to export the report to Excel Spreadsheet. Now when I export (I have set JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_ONE_PAGE_PER_SHEET, Boolean.FALSE ), as a result, if there are more than one no of pages, they very rightly get appended to the spreadsheet, one below the other. Now if I have page headers and footers I would have them in multiple no on my .xls. Even if I try to recompile the jasperreport with a new design(which would not have a page header and a footer) to get a new japser print object, that would still not solve my problem as then I would have multiple column headers. (I can't avoid column headers as I do need to have them in my design).

Basically what I want is a report to be exported to a spreadsheet where in I can have data in a chunk so that I can do calculations on it. The easiest way of this would be to disable pagination from happening while I compile the second time to get jasperprint object that has data in just one big page. I did have some ideas but I thought the best would be to hear from you.

Phew!! Could you please shed some light on this.


A big thanks in advance coz this is certainly very important to me... Hope you would help...


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JR 1.0.1 introduced the IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION built-in parameter which can be used at fill time to instruct the engine not to paginate the report, but produce instead a single paged report output.


Since JR 1.1.1, this flag can also be set as a report attribute (isIgnorePagination).




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