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Deploying a complete report unit to JasperServer


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  Hi all,

I've created a bunch of JRXML reports for our company. The reports have complicated dependencies, many of them use other ones as subreports and all of them use some images and jrtx stylesheets. Now we want to deploy them into JasperServer so that they can be comfortably used by other company staff.

Is there a way how to create a package that can be easily deployed to JasperServer that contains all the reports and their support files, instead of uploading and configuring each file by hand to the server? For example something like a WAR archive that is used for deploying Java Servlets? Or at least, a package for each JRXML file with all its dependencies - something one might call a report unit.

  Thanks for help,

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Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try that. However, I'm not using iReport, I'm used to coding JRXML files manually, so I'm not sure if using iReport just for this purpose will be helpful. I'd rather use some automated way, for example an Ant script or Maven plugin which would produce the whole package that could be deployed into JasperServer.

Best regards, Petr

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 Hi Petr,

I am not, by any means an expert.  And I may be missing the question.  But reports that I develop in iReport are uploaded directly into JaperServer using the built in publish function.  You should be able to add your JasperServer Repository to iReport (Window > JasperServer Repository).  That will give you the ability to browse your JasperServer Repository and then publish the report units.  That is how I am moving my reports from iReport up to the server.


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  • 1 year later...

The tool JDeploy! on http://sourceforge.net/projects/jaspertools/?source=directory

allows to deal with reports deployment on diferents environments (development, pre production, production). It dont touch the datasources when deploying a report, so the systems department can define it. It also defines a estandarized way to package the reports and subreports of a project on a zip file. And includes other utils to list reports, create datasources,...

I hope to helped you.


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While deploying jasper report using Jdeploy, its throughing error called"Error: Unable to access jarfile deploy you must enter a host. my input is below as a ref:


./deploy.sh /home/oracle/Downloads/jdeploy.v.02.00.00/jdeploy.v.02.00.00/Samples/catalogo1.zip -rd /Reports -ds HR -h localhost:8080



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