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Help building jasperserver from Eclipse


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 I've downloaded the latest jasperserver-3.7.0-src.zip and I'm trying to setup the project with m2eclipse so that I can build source from Eclipse IDE.  I've tried now for a few days but I'm having all types of issue with (I guess) the project configuration.  I have like 6000 errors mostly relating to project references, in particular org.springframework.  These are not the only errors there appears to be others related to DTD, JSP, XML etc.  In my opinion all the errors are related to configuration issue.   I've tried making changes to the configuration but I end up with more errors.  I'm sure I'm missing something basic but I can not find any useful information anywhere.  I've not worked on Java projects for a few years now and I'm a bit rusty on the configuration/setup side of things.

So then, I'm basically looking for some help and direction with the following.  
- Does anyone else modify and build the source from an IDE?  
- What IDE do you use?
- Ideally I could do with direction on how to setup the project any informaton you can throw my way would be great.  Instructions, example, screen shots will all help.
Jon Miles
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Hi Jon,


For building sources I've using Intellij IDEA, but I'm acquainted with Eclipse IDE also.


First of all I would advise you to have a look at JasperServer-CE-Source-Build-Guide.pdf which is located in docs folder. There you will find a lot of answers.


If you have some particular questions - I'm ready to respond.


Best regards,

Taras Matyashovsky

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Unfortunately, the maven plugin for Eclipse M2Eclipse has not worked very well with our maven code base - some of the maven features that we have used in our setup such as dependencyManagement were unsupported in the plugin.

Because of this unreliability, I have taken to building our source code at the command line using buildomatic and then setting all jar dependencies to be found in <js-ce-src>/jasperserve-war/target/jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib.

There are a few additional dependencies that are not part of the runtime, but are needed at build-time such as junit, servlet-api.jar, etc.

Once I get this set up then I can resolve all dependencies and my source code in eclipse does not have any unresolved dependencies.

Then, I can start coding and still building at the buildomatic command line.

The Source Build Guide (docs/JasperServer-Source-Build-Guide.pdf) gives a full description of building from the command line.


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Thanks for your response. I have however read through the JaspserServer build guide and managed to build using buildomatic scipts. Although, I encounter errors when running target build-js-ddl-ce. I need to search for the forum for this error and perhaps raise a case as there appears to be a missing target 'init-source-paths'. I don't see how this would cause the errors I'm encountering, please correct me if I'm wrong?


So my particular question is - Why when I import the jasperserver projects into Eclipse do I get several thousand (ranges between 2000-9000) java errors? I believe this is down to configuration, missing reference/dependency etcc. but I do not now how to correct this.



Jon Miles

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Ah ok, now I see tkavanagh's response and it looks more promising but I have a question. Please can you explain in more detail how you, as you say "are setting all jar dependencies to be found in <js-ce-src>/jasperserve-war/target/jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib." ?


Sorry, I've been away from Java development for a few years now and I understand you probably think this step is self explanatory but any help assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated. I need to understand how you configure the IDE I guess.



Jon Miles

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