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data source based on login


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 the way my system works is i need to have a report that can run against about 100 or so identical databases.  when the user logs in, jasperserver has to associate a specific data source to that user and when a report is run use that data source thats specific to the user for their reports.  that way i can have one instance of jasperserver running several hundred user accounts.


is that possible?

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im researching the custom datasource code thats distributed with the server. if i use the hibernate example, how exactly could i pass the name of the role that the user is a member of to the HibernateDataSourceService class? it looks like if i accomplish that then i can simply define all my databases in the application context file of my datasource and have the roles in jasperserver match. if i can somehow pass the data source the role name, i should have it right?
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im trying to get the custom datasource examples to deploy. when i restart the server i get class version errors on the new class files. what version of the JVM is this built with? im using jvm 6 for everything so i would imagine it should work
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To achieve the solution you have to modify jasperreport.jar file.

In each Report pass a parameter it should contain the information related to connection.


JRJdbcQueryExecuter.java modify this class(you can find this file in jasperreport.jar/ net/sf/jasperreports/engine/query)


Here is the code needs to be modified.


  public JRJdbcQueryExecuter(JRDataset dataset, Map  parameters)


         super(dataset, parameters);


         connection = (Connection ) getParameterValue(JRParameter.REPORT_CONNECTION);


         /*Custom Code Start*/


         JRFillParameter JNDI_NAME = getParameter("JNDI_NAME");(get the parameter whatever you’re passing from report)

         Class clazz = JNDI_NAME.getValueClass();

         Object JNDI_NAME_Value = JNDI_NAME.getValue();


        Context ctx = null;

        DataSource ds=null;


                        initial = new InitialContext();

                        Context envContext  = (Context)initial.lookup("java:/comp/env");       

                        if(JNDI_NAME_Value!=null )

                        ds = (DataSource)envContext.lookup(JNDI_NAME_Value.toString());           


                        System.out.println("Connection Object----------------------"+connection);



        /*Custom Code End*/

        catch(Exception e){





                    if(ctx != null){




            catch(Exception e) {







Replace this class file in jasperreports.jar and copy this jar in jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/lib dir.


Finally while creating the report in jasper server Please select data source none option.



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