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JasperSever Intergration


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Good morning all,

I am a developer researching some BI tools. I have a question about JapserServer Pro and I hope this is the right place to past my question. If not please direct me to the right location.


My questions are:

  1. At my company we use Sybase ASE and Sybase IQ for our database. Will JasperServer play nice with those two DB system?
  2. Does each developer need their own copy of the JasperServer software? That is something you standup and push reports to correct?
  3. For cost efficiency does it make sense to purchase the JasperServer Pro, which we need to allow our end users to use ad-hoc features, and get the open-source JasperReports/iReports for the delevopers. That way the developers can create the reports, push them to the server, and the server can do its magic?

The JasperServer does everything we need and is hopefully cheaper then what we currently use. I just wanted to make sure I have all my facts correct before I present my analysis.


Thank you for taking the time to reply to my queries.

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If you can access your data via JDBC, then JasperServer won't have any problems accessing it.

For most purposes, your developers probably only need iReport to develop your reports. They would only need JasperServer if they needed to customize the server's UI or functionality. To push reports to the server, you can use iReport's JasperServer plugin.

If you plan to use Ad Hoc, you'll need a Pro license.



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Thank you for your reply.


What I got from this is I can get one copy of the JasperServer Pro and stand it up on a server. Then I can get iReport with the JasperServer plugin for all the developers to use. So the only cost would be the one Pro license?

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Yes, the single copy of JasperServer Pro will be the central reports server for all of the members of your organization (and you can actually set up separate departments/organizations using the Pro version if you would like a easy way to control access to report viewing. Or you can just set permissions on reports and/or folders.)

I think you will probably need the Pro version of ireport in order to connect to JasperServer (ie to upload the new report that you create with the ireport tool). But i am actually not exactly sure if this is true! You could do a quick test by downloading the eval JasperServer Pro and get an ireport and try it. iReport comes with the JasperServer plugin built-in. This is what handled the Web Services connection between the server and the client to carry out the upload, download, and viewing of reports.

But certainly if you are going to use some of the cool fusion charts capability then you would want iReport Pro.

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  • 3 weeks later...


While waiting for a reply from your "sales" team I thought I'd ask "why all the 'cloak and dagger' over the cost of JasperServer Pro?"  We are currently using the CE edition and have tried the 30 day free Pro trial and want a "ball park" cost figure  to take to our management but it seems it's easier getting the Queens PIN!!!  Is it a case of "if we have to ask the price we can't afford it"?


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