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Add a new component to the palette


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I have created a custom jasperreports component that fetches content from a server and displays it on a report. Now, I want to create  a custom iReport component for this, so my novice collegues can edit the report that uses my new component using iReport. 

Is there any documentation on how to do this? I try to use the barcode or list component as an example, but iReport does not seem to recognize my definitions (probably I do not provide everything necessary  or put files in the wrong place).

What is the proper way to create an additional iReport component?


Jeroen van Veldhuizen, Redora BV

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Hi Jeroen,

Here are the steps. Suppose our plugin code is:


STEP 1. define a file with extension .irpitem i.e. MyPaletteItem.irpitem(it stays for iReport palette item). The content should look pretty much like this:


MyPaletteItem and MyPaletteItem_tooltip can be translated in a resource Bundle added to the global resource bundle of ireport, in this case a installer class for your module should do something like:


To create an installer class, use the NetBEans wizard to create a module installer.

STEP 2: create com.acme.MyPaletteAction which must extends com.jaspersoft.ireport.designer.palette.PaletteItemAction. This class is very generic, and if your aim is to just create a new element you may be choose to implement
a more specific implementation of PaletteItemAction, like com.jaspersoft.ireport.designer.palette.actions.CreateReportElementAction

STEP 3: finally you need to "install" the palette item in the iReport palette. This is done using the layer.xml (an important file of your NetBeans plugin).
You need to add the following chunk of xml to your layer.xml:

<folder name="palette">
    <folder name="ReportElements">
         <attr name="SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle" stringvalue="com.jaspersoft.ireport.locale.Bundle"/>
         <file name="MyPaletteItem.irpitem" url="MyPaletteItem.irpitem"/>

This will add your item inside the ReportElements section of the palette. You can even create your own palette section, or use the Tools section.

If everything has been done correctly, you should now see the item in the ireport palette.


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I installed the nbm that NetBeans created and it said installation successful. However, I don't see my new item in the palette, so I take it there is a problem with my layer.xml. Should it look like this?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE filesystem PUBLIC "-//NetBeans//DTD Filesystem 1.2//EN" "http://www.netbeans.org/dtds/filesystem-1_2.dtd">
<folder name="palette">
    <folder name="ReportElements">
         <attr name="SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle" stringvalue="com.jaspersoft.ireport.locale.Bundle"/>
         <file name="SomeAction.irpitem" url="SomeAction.irpitem"/>

Post Edited by pwd at 06/08/2010 19:12
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STEP 3: finally you need to "install" the palette item in the iReport palette. This is done using the layer.xml (an important file of your NetBeans plugin).

You need to add the following chunk of xml to your layer.xml:

<folder name="palette">
    <folder name="ReportElements">
         <attr name="SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle" stringvalue="com.jaspersoft.ireport.locale.Bundle"/>
         <file name="MyPaletteItem.irpitem" url="MyPaletteItem.irpitem"/>


"ireport" tag is missing from this XML. The XML added to layer.xml follows:


    <folder name="ireport">

        <folder name="palette">

            <folder name="ReportElements">

                <attr name="SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle" stringvalue="com.jaspersoft.ireport.locale.Bundle"/>

                <file name="mypaletteitem.irpitem" url="mypaletteitem.irpitem"/>





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Here are the steps. Suppose our plugin code is:


STEP 1. define a file with extension .irpitem i.e. MyPaletteItem.irpitem(it stays for iReport palette item). The content should look pretty much like this:


MyPaletteItem and MyPaletteItem_tooltip can be translated in a resource Bundle added to the global resource bundle of ireport, in this case a installer class for your module should do something like:


To create an installer class, use the NetBEans wizard to create a module installer.


To add your Bundle.properties (localization text) add the following line to your plugin's manifest.mf:

OpenIDE-Module-Install: com/acme/Bundle/Installer.class

AND create Installer.java in com/acme with the following code (you will need to add 'Internationalization', 'Module System API' as Module Dependencies in your Project Properties in Netbeans)


Post Edited by markgrubb at 04/01/2011 14:01
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