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report viewer (display data after clicking previe)


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Hi all,


I am having trouble while displaying data on ireport when I click on preview button. Database connection i very well set. No issue there. I have displayed few reports earlier. The data was very less. Now I am trying to display huge data. It is overriding most of the data and showing like black strips. Where and what properties do I need to change? Thank you in advance.


Best regards.

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Thanks Giulio. I have resolved the issue. Actually, I have gone ahead. I want to add line between 2 records as follows.

record1 value

record2 value


record1 value

record2 value


How should I do this? Thanks in advance.


Best regards

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two options:

1: Add a group with an expression like: $V{REPORT_COUNT}%2 == 0
and put the line in the group footer

2: Add a line to the detail with the same expression as Print When Expression

The expression $V{REPORT_COUNT}%2 == 0 is true every two records. You may come up with a better expression to fit your needs (i.e. you may use a custom variable to match the conditions for which the line should be visible or not).


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Actually, I resolved the issue simply by adding a line. I think whatever I am trying to do now is more challenging. Right now I am able to display reult with databae connection. I want to print or display 2 fields in one column. I am attaching here 2 files so that you would understand what I mean. I would like to show processing_date and account_number and repective values in one column. Right now I am able to diplay these in diffrent columns. Did I do wrong thing by adding line or should I add these fields in a group and then do the needful? I am new to ireport. But I know there must be a way to do it. I would welcome your advices,ideas and suggestions. Thanking you,


Best regards.

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Hello again,


I will elaborate my problem. I have some ID,fields (like rule_message, paramter). Depending on these expressions I am displaying respective values of the same. (for e.g. if expression asks check all odd numbers then respective odd number as value should be printed. if it is asked to print data contains only alphabets then only values which contain alphabets hould be printed) Now, taking this as criteria, I want to gather all repective values for the expression on the detail band. Do I need to add any certain filter expression? Please advise.

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