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Slow reading folder content


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I use JS 3.5. i have created folder for scheduled reports. the reports are large. it takes much time to display content of this folder. it looks like JS is trying to read each report into memory just to display report names.

is there any solution for this problem?

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I have about 300 reports in my "Generated Reports" folder. It displays in about 4 seconds.

I don't think JS attempts to read all of the reports into memory. What sort of performance are you seeing as "slow"? How does it compare with performance of other folders? Can you test with JS 3.7 as well?



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thank you for your response


I have about 300 reports in my "Generated Reports" folder. It displays in about 4 seconds.

I don't think JS attempts to read all of the reports into memory. What sort of performance are you seeing as "slow"? How does it compare with performance of other folders? Can you test with JS 3.7 as well?



when a user wants to display content of the folder and clicks on the folder it takes about 1min to finish this operation. there are 20 reports, each 20mb.
i have no problem with other folders, there are only jrxml files. i haven't tested it wiht 3.7, it is production server so it is not so simple.

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Yikes! 60 seconds to display a folder with 20 items is indeed a mighty long time.

Is your repository on MySQL? Can you provide some other machine details? (memory available to the app server, etc.)

It should be relatively easy to run js-export with the option "--everything" to get your entire repository. Then you can import it into a test 3.7 instance somewhere else without impacting the production server. It will take a while with those big reports, but it should be easy enough to do.

Hopefully it will be lots faster in 3.7. Assuming there is no big change between 3.5 and 3.7, then the problem may be hard to track down. We'll need to figure out where the big delay is: on the database query side or on the app server side (or somewhere else?).


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This is caused by a "feature" of MySQL. When the MySQL JDBC driver reads Blobs from the database (JasperServer repository), it always load the blob data from a queried row into Java memory, even if the blob column is not selected. So you are not likely to see better performance in 3.7 /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/cry_smile.gif We have some more work to do in this area.




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Have just imported all our JRXML files into JS and now I find that moving between folders, scolling down respository pane and accessing (right click) menu options is almost unusable:  takes nearly 30 sec to refresh window and display reports.  The reports themselves run great when you can finally get to them.

Can a different DB be used to store JS data if MySQL has this BLOB problem?

Regards Jamie

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