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JS3.7 Domain Security ClassCastExc:GenericFunction


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I've tried to set up an example security xml for the supermart domain as described in the tutorials. It does only work if  I use static values in the filter expression. If I try to use groovy expressions for dynamic filtering I get following exception:

java.lang.ClassCastException: com.jaspersoft.commons.dataset.expr.GenericFunction        at com.jaspersoft.commons.groovy.GroovyGenerator.outputList(GroovyGenerator.java:392)        at com.jaspersoft.commons.groovy.GroovyGenerator.in(GroovyGenerator.java:334)        at com.jaspersoft.commons.dataset.expr.ExpressionWalker.operator(ExpressionWalker.java:111)        at com.jaspersoft.commons.groovy.GroovyGenerator.operator(GroovyGenerator.java:499)        at com.jaspersoft.commons.dataset.expr.ExpressionWalker.walk(ExpressionWalker.java:50)        at com.jaspersoft.commons.groovy.GroovyGenerator.getColumn(GroovyGenerator.java:110)        at com.jaspersoft.commons.datarator.WorkingDataSet.getGroovyColumn(WorkingDataSet.java:166)        at com.jaspersoft.commons.datarator.WorkingDataSet.applyFilterSortMax(WorkingDataSet.java:317)        at com.jaspersoft.commons.datarator.WorkingDataSet.getIterator(WorkingDataSet.java:254)        at com.jaspersoft.commons.datarator.jr.DataratorJRDataSource.<init>(DataratorJRDataSource.java:20)

The principalExpression works:

2010-02-03 09:37:45,506 DEBUG SemanticLayerSecurityResolverImpl,http-8888-6:521 - Evaluating JoinTree_1_List for resourceId: JoinTree_12010-02-03 09:37:45,553 DEBUG SemanticLayerSecurityResolverImpl,http-8888-6:528 - Evaluating authentication.getPrincipal().getAttributes().any{ it.getAttrName() in ['StoreNr'] }. got: true2010-02-03 09:37:45,553 DEBUG SemanticLayerSecurityResolverImpl,http-8888-6:534 - For new Created base grant list for : JoinTree_1_List - JoinTree_12010-02-03 09:37:45,553 DEBUG SemanticLayerSecurityResolverImpl,http-8888-6:536 - Adding grant: Jointree_1_row_access_grant_12010-02-03 09:37:45,553 DEBUG SemanticLayerSecurityResolverImpl,http-8888-6:542 - Setting grants for resourceId: JoinTree_1

Below is a snippet of the security xml file. 


 Any suggestions to solve this problem? Do I anything wrong or is it a bug?




Post Edited by ae3 at 02/03/2010 08:43
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When I start JAsper Server, I can read this message in the tomcat window

"2010-02-17 14:21:36,327  WARN PermissionsListProtectionDomainProvider,main:61 -
A security manager has not been configured for the JVM. The protection domain se
t for the reports will NOT be effective."


Do you think  there is a relationship with our problem?

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This is a bug that I fixed in which should be coming out soon.

In the meantime, there is a workaround. Here is the summary of what's going on:

We’re doing security filters in memory by default now, which is a change from3.5. That has some implications for security filters using the "groovy()"function because it doesn’t work the same way when you use it for anin-memory filter.The quick workaround is to do security filters in the query and everythingshould work like it did in 3.5. To do that:- Look for this line in WEB-INF/applicationContext-adhoc.xml in your webapp:         <property name="applySecurityFilterInMemory" value="true"/>- Change "true" to "false"- Restart the webapp[/code]
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Where I can find a similar solution for JasperServer Community Edition?


WARN PermissionsListProtectionDomainProvider,main:61 -

A security manager has not been configured for the JVM. The protection domain se

t for the reports will NOT be effective."




Post Edited by mileidysg at 04/16/2010 17:18

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Please start a separate thread for this. That error is a Tomcat configuration issue. It's unrelated to JasperServer Data Domains, so it's not relevant on this thread.

Also please indicate any problems that you are encountering due to this warning.


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