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jasperserver 3.7 : Error while importing


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I get the following error while importing reports created previously using 3.1 version.

cmd>> js-import.bat --input-dir "oldBackUp"

08:16:06,066  WARN JDBCExceptionReporter:100 - SQL Error: 1146, SQLState: 42S02
08:16:06,071 ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter:101 - Table 'jasperserver.jitenant' doesn't exist
08:16:06,085 ERROR BaseExportImportCommand:45 - org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException: could not execute query; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not execute query

I've logged into the MySql and verfied that the jasperserver.jitenant does exist and contains a single row.  The database connection specified in config\js.jdbc.properties is also correct.

Please help  !

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I created 3.5 repo, to facilitate the import from 3.1 to 3.7. But the 3.1 export files(Analysis views, connections, schemas, datasources) are not getting imported into 3.5. The js-import process finishes without any error. But none of the Analysis Components are imported, though static jrxml reports are.

I have a hunch that this has something to do with Organisations in 3.5. Pls let me know if any ideas/workarounds that might work.


Post Edited by prashant2228 at 02/16/2010 04:47
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If you got the error:

    JDBCExceptionReporter:101 - Table 'jasperserver.jitenant' doesn't exist

Then that means that the jasperserver repository db being pointed to is not a 3.5/3.7 db (ie you are probably pointing to your 3.1 db).

So, you should double-check the db being pointed to.

I think that it would be worthwhile to give your databases explicit names such as jasperserver_31, jasperserver_35, and jasperserver_37.  This way it will be easy to keep them straight.

Also, it might be possible to do and export and import directly from 3.1 to 3.7 (particularly if you reports are not highly complex).

The big change for JasperServer was between 3.0/3.1 and 3.5. In 3.5, there is an underlying structure added for multi-tenancy. This trimmed down structure exists in the Community version even though real Multi-Tenancy support is a Pro feature.

I think the ultimate answer to this confusion is add importing and exporting to the UI in JasperServer. This way, there can never be confusion about which JasperServer version you are using. If you agree, please add an enhancement request to the Tracker - this helps get features increased in priority! Thanks.

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Thanks for the very informative reply !

I was able to export 3.1 repo, import into 3.5 and export again from 3.5. This export from 3.5 is what I'm trying to import in 3.7 now. But, stuck with the following error which comes whenever an jasperAnalysis view xml file is encountered in the import .

09:03:37,733 ERROR CastorSerializer:116 - org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException
: The class for the root element 'semanticLayerDataSource' could not be found.{F
ile: [not available]; line: 2; column: 26}
09:03:37,760 ERROR BaseExportImportCommand:45 - com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.
JSExceptionWrapper: The class for the root element 'semanticLayerDataSource' cou
ld not be found.

Appreciate your help on this !

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