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By: Israel Lifshitz - sisraell

PDF Export

2003-09-23 07:07

After i had some problem to generate PDF in hebrew. i tried a diffrent method to do that export:


Changed JRPDFExporter as follow:

On every page, get a Graphics2D:


Graphics2D g2d = pdfContentByte.createGraphicsShapes(jasperPrint.getPageWidth(),jasperPrint.getPageHeight());



Then use JRGraphics2DExporter to write the pdf as Graphics2D.



That method solve my problem, but i need to know if there some problems with such implementation.










By: Paulo Soares - psoares33

RE: PDF Export

2003-09-23 07:50

The only problem is that the file is a lot bigger than it should be and is not searchable. The text is rendered with ColumnText that supports RTL text. However, as this processing is slow and we don't know if the dominant is RTL or LTR this processing is disabled by default. Probably the best option is to have an attribute, section or document-wise, that could set the ColumnText parameter for RTL or LTR.

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