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Frequent restarts needed


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I'm currently using the bundled install of Jasperserver 3.5.  System runs fine, but if I don't access jasperserver frequently - like within a hour - it stops working.  I do a jasperctl.sh stop then start and it is back.  Can someone tell me why this is happening?

The install is on a stable suse 10 system.  I don't see anything in the catalina logs.  I've also installed the bundled version of the lastest 3.7 package on a second server - it does the same thing.


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Hmm, In wonder if there is some Suse specific thing going on here ...?


It's bad that the catalina.log is not showing any info ... makes it hard to debug. Do you see anything in the webapps/jaspserserver/WEB-INF/logs/jasperserver.log?


You could try setting jasperserver/WEB-INF/log4j.properties to DEBUG in order to get more information.


Also, maybe there is some db connection timeout thing happening. You could try adding the following to your context.xml (jaspserver/META-INF/context.xml) in order to enable a validation query (two lines in middle):


validationQuery="select 1"


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Thanks for the tip.  I've implemented the change you suggested to context.xml.  I'm not really sure that it's the mysql connection.  When it stops working I can't get to the tomcat page either  (site:8080/manager) - unless in the bundled version when one part stops it all stops.

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Strange! Looks like a Tomcat related issue. Have you got other Tomcat installs that work?


Does the browser connection time out? Like Tomcat is completely dead.


Is the JVM reacting at all - using CPU etc? How much memory is is using?


Looks like Tomcat 6 may have issues with SUSE: http://forums.opensuse.org/applications/403411-tomcat-opensuse11-1-not-complete.html but Tomcat 5.5 should be fine.


I know of other folks working with JasperServer on SUSE, so I don't know why you are having problems /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/broken_heart.gif





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What would you suggest I do to get the latest version installed?  I've had the same problem with the bundled versions of 3.5 and 3.7.  It is Tomcat that's stopping, but I'm not seeing anything it the logs.  Would it be more successful on Ubutu or Debian?

I've installed Tomcat and Mysql separately on this machine and it works fine.  just can't get Jasperserver to install.

When I try to use the installer and have it use the existing tomcat and mysql I can't get past the point where I need to tell it where mysql is.

When I try the WAR install, it installs with no problem, but the login page won't open.

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We have folks who have installed JasperServer successfully on Ubuntu with the installer with the bundled Tomcat and MySQL, including me ;-)


With the WAR install, did the server process start? When you say the login page did not open, what did you see?




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