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Application killed without any message.

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By: Navaneetha Krishnan J - navaneethanj

Application killed without any message.

2003-04-25 05:24

Hi Everyone,


I am using the below code to get the JasperPrint object. It is working fine. But occationally after printing "Filling data source." the application get killed without any error message. In the Jasper design file i am using a scripplet. Is there any problem with my usage?


System.out.println("Filling data source.");

print = dori.jasper.engine.JasperFillManager.fillReport(compileFileName, null, jrds);

System.out.println("Data source filled.");


Thanks & Regards






By: Navaneetha Krishnan J - navaneethanj

RE: Application killed without any message.

2003-05-15 03:56

Dear Teodor,


Thanks for your reply. Let me explain my problem more detail.


In my application, i have 2 reports. One with scriptlet and another without scriptlet. The application is killed up only i am opening the report with scriplet. The scriptlet construct a JFreeChart's PieChart and add it as a image to Jasper Report. Mean time application is killed up only opening the reports and after opening the report 3 to 4 times.


Hope you would understand my probelm.


Thanks & Regards






By: Navaneetha Krishnan J - navaneethanj

RE: Application killed without any message.

2003-05-15 07:30

Dear Teodor,


More details. When the application killed up it is throwing the below error message. Hope this will help you more.


Unexpected Signal : 11 occurred at PC=0x402F60ED




Current Java thread:

at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Native Method)

at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Throwable.java:180)

at java.lang.Exception.<init>(Exception.java:29)










Another exception has been detected while we were handling last


Dumping information about last error:


PC = 0x0x402f60ed


FUNCTION NAME = is_native_method__C7nmethod

OFFSET = 0x9



Please check ERROR REPORT FILE for further information, if there

is any.

Good bye.



Thanks & Regards,






By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: Application killed without any message.

2003-05-17 04:05




All I can say is that no Java application should be able

to kill the JVM machine like that, no matter what the

program does.


I think it is a JDK related problem or a system problem.


I hope this helps.







By: Navaneetha Krishnan J - navaneethanj

RE: Application killed without any message.

2003-05-19 01:00

Dear Teodor,


Thanks for your kind support and great product.


What you told was absolutly correct. It is JDK related problem only. But i searched some work around from Jasper reports. Fortunatly i could able to find one.

The work around is, I just modified the evalute method of JRCalculator as below. Is there any side effects due to this change? Hope this change is correct only. If it is correct, Will it be integrated in future release of Jasper report?


protected Object evaluate(JRExpression expression) throws JRException


Object value = null;




if(expression != null)


value = this.evaluate(expression.getId());



catch (Exception e)


throw new JRException("Error evaluating expression value : " + expression.getName(), e);



return value;



Thanks & Regards,







By: Navaneetha Krishnan J - navaneethanj

RE: Application killed without any message.

2003-06-11 07:14

Dear Teodor,


The previous work around was not worked. It just decreased the probability killing. Still it is reproducing after some more time. Mean time it is still saying the same error, i.e


Current Java thread:

at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Native Method)

at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Throwable.java:180)

at java.lang.Exception.<init>(Exception.java:29)









Here actually i removed the null pointer exception catching code and instead i did null check. But still it is saying problem in handling NullPointerException. I do not why?


Could you please help to resolve this problem or provide some workaround kind of thing to solve this issue.









By: Ryan Johnson - delscovich

RE: Application killed without any message.

2003-06-26 09:26



I sometimes get this error instead of an OutOfMemoryError. They both seem to be caused by a memory "leak." See https://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=809976&forum_id=113530 or https://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=867616&forum_id=113529







By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: Application killed without any message.

2003-05-11 13:59




The use of scriptlets should not represent a problem.


Having a Java application being killed like that

is something rather unusual.


Could it be a hardware or system problem?


Thank you,







By: Daniel Bernstein - danielbernstein

RE: Application killed without any message.

2003-08-26 14:39

I'm having the same problem on a brand new WinXP box with j2sdk1.4.1_03





By: Daniel Bernstein - danielbernstein

RE: Application killed without any message.

2003-08-26 15:10

I was able to fix the problem - or at least I couldn't reproduce when I upgraded to j2sdk1.4.2_01.

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