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export ireport to jasperserver


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I’m traying some things and they don’t work how coms?

Let me explane:

I have created a report in Ireport and I can preview it in ireport.

When I export it to my jasperserver (via Repository Navigator) and view it in the web interface I get an error

“com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Attribute 'splitType' is not allowed to appear in element 'band'.”

I get this error even if the report is empty (no fields entert)

What dos this creptic (for me) message mean, and what am I doing wrong?

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I have seen this in cases where the iReport version did not match the JasperServer version. 

For example, I was seeing something similar when coding in iReport 3.6 and deploying to JasperServer 3.5.1.

The message basically means that the jrxml file is not valid for the version of JasperServer that you are running it against.

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I believe you basically need to get iReport & JasperServer versions in sync.

If upgrading jasperserver is an option, that may be the best way to go.

The alternative would be to start using iReport 3.5.  However, this would just mean that your code would also be broken in iReport.  However, once the code is updated, you should see consistency when running the reports locally (iReport) and JasperServer.

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I too had this problem using JasperServer 3.5.0 and iReports 3.6.0 after upgrading from 3.1.2...

To fix it in iReports - each band has a checkbox option in Band Properties called "Split allowed".  I unchecked this to "false" and was able to run the report without seeing that error message.

I've reproduced the error and attached the tomcat log...seems to happen when trying to upload the jrxml file.

Should this be raised as a bug?




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What you need to understand is that when you use an iReport version that is much recent than the server version, you probably make use of new features (new attributes in JRXML), that the old JR inside your old JasperServer does not recognize.

For instance, you could not use multi-band support from iReport 3.6.2 with JasperServer 3.5.0, which has absolutely no idea what's this all about and hence raise an error about the report not being valid.


In your case, it is about the isSplitAllowed band attribute which is now deprecated and was replaced with the splitType attribute, which JS/JS 3.5.0 does not recognize. You either stay with iReport 3.5.0 which matches your server, or you upgrade JS to 3.7.0 RC or you save your reports in older formats using this capability of iReport.


I hope this helps.


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