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Everything posted by pruts

  1. I have to communicate between IReport and Jasperserver trough a firewall. Now my question is on what port is this communication happening on.
  2. Yes, indeed I have down graded to ireport 3.5.1 and it works. When I open the reports in the old 3.5.1 I get the same error as in jasperserver 3.5.1 Thanks jdevine
  3. Indeed I’m using ireport 3.6.1 and jasperserver 3.5.1. Is this taken care of in version ireport 3.6.2 or do I need jasperserver 3.7rc For now both are of a recent fabrication, so what can I do?
  4. I’m traying some things and they don’t work how coms? Let me explane: I have created a report in Ireport and I can preview it in ireport. When I export it to my jasperserver (via Repository Navigator) and view it in the web interface I get an error “com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Attribute 'splitType' is not allowed to appear in element 'band'.” I get this error even if the report is empty (no fields entert) What dos this creptic (for me) message mean, and what am I doing wrong?
  5. I’m traying some things and they don’t work how coms? Let me explane: I have created a report in Ireport and I can preview it in ireport. When I export it to my jasperserver (via Repository Navigator) and view it in the web interface I get an error “com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Attribute 'splitType' is not allowed to appear in element 'band'.” I get this error even if the report is empty (no fields entert) What dos this creptic (for me) message mean, and what am I doing wrong?
  6. I have installed the trail version of jasperserver-pro (unix) and Ireport (windows) I traying to upload a report: Site: repository LC on “Add resource -> jasperserver report” When I locate the main JRXML file en LC on next I get the error “The selected Jrxml could not be parsed”. What am I doing wrong? What is the right way to work?
  7. To everyone ho wants to now. I’m proud to present to you “The solution” It’s not jasperserver It’s not maven2 It’s not Tomcat6 It’s the tomcat6 distribution from Ubuntu, you now “apt-get install tomcat6” . This distribution has a problem with the read/write privileges in the userDB. So don’t use the ubuntu distribution but download tomcat6 bin from the http://tomcat.apache.org/ site. Install it like it is written on the tomcat site. Follow the installation procedure of jasperserver source build guide. (re)start you tomcat6 app.. And o wonder IT WORKS!!! May be you didn’t notes, but I’m proud of my self.. Greets, Dominic
  8. I have installed the trail version of jasperserver-pro (unix) and Ireport (windows) I traying to upload a report: Site: repository LC on “Add resource -> jasperserver report” When I locate the main JRXML file en LC on next I get the error “The selected Jrxml could not be parsed”. What am I doing wrong? What is the right way to work?
  9. I have installed a new ubuntu with only the necessary installation programs (maven2,tomcat6,mysql) I then followed the source build guide by the letter. All the builds give back success. But I stil can’t surf to the localhost:8080/jasperserver site. It gives back “The requested resource(/jasperserver) is not available” The logs localhost.<date>.log is empty and I have attacht the catalina.<date>.log where I can find only one strange thing. “user database is not persistable – no write permissions on directory” what I’m sure of that this is not the jasperserver folder because I have opend it completely for all users. The WEB-INF/logs folder is empty.
  10. I would like to use the Mysql-server also for other purposes, I need to now what the root password is of Mysql after the installation of Jasperserver Pro
  11. There are no logfiles in the “/usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/logs” folder only the readme.txt file. In the “/etc/tomcat6/catalina/localhost” folder there’s no jasperserver.xml, only two files host-manager.xml and manager.xml. I have added the log files of the tomcat application as attachment. I have tried some things yesterday: - Install like the build guide says.(the creation of the DB is oke, I have check it) - After that I have tried to add the application via the host-manager of tomcat with the war file but then the jasperserver files are added in a different folder”/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps”, but I can’t start de application. Tried this for several times in different ways. - Redo the hole thing (jasperserver not tomcat, ant, maven or java JDK) from scrap like the build guide says. (this is the last situation) yesterday 17:00 central european time Al of this on a ubuntu 9.04 with the specs as above (original post)
  12. Step by step I have executed the steps explained in the Build Guide with the js-ant command I get the replay that it was with success. But when I surf to the localhost:8080/jasperserver page I get an error that the page not exists. I’m going nuts hire. Can anybody help me please?
  13. I have installed tomcat my self. Further I use the command “js-ant deploy-webapp-ce” to install the web interface and it says the build wend ok, so I don’t under stand what wrong. I have never seen a war file so far. In the Source Build guide they explain what there will be don when executing the command but I don’t think it dos.
  14. Thank you, I didn't now there was a separate forum
  15. I have some troubel with jasperserver. Fore the installation procedure all go’s well until I browse to the page, it gives back an error that the page not exist. “the requested resource (/jasperserver) is not available” I think there’s a problem with the war or the please where this is configured, but I’m new ad this so that’s way I post this question. Any idée is welkom. I work with : Jasperserver 3.5.0 Tomcat 6.0.18 Maven 2.0.9 Java version 1.6.0_0 OpenJDK runtime (Icedtea6 1.4.1) OpenJDK client 14.0-b08
  16. I have some troubel with jasperserver. Fore the installation procedure all go’s well until I browse to the page, it gives back an error that the page not exist. “the requested resource (/jasperserver) is not available” I think there’s a problem with the war or the please where this is configured, but I’m new ad this so that’s way I post this question. Any idée is welkom. I work with : Jasperserver 3.5.0 Tomcat 6.0.18 Maven 2.0.9 Java version 1.6.0_0 OpenJDK runtime (Icedtea6 1.4.1) OpenJDK client 14.0-b08
  17. I have a question about the ultimate guide. I want to design my reports with ireport and the create them with jasperreport. I believe that’s the intention of both products. For so far there’s no need for a server. My question is what ultimate guide is enough for me? So I can do the things that I want to do.
  18. With the last sentence I mean that I don’t get the same options or can’t edit the option as they talk about in the manual and the tutorial. I’m using ireport 3.6.1, this is getting frustrating for me. Can any body help me please?
  19. I wont to create a report with subreports but when I create the subreport like the tutorial the I can’t select any parameters in the wizard. When that is don then I can select the parameter in the properties but this is not linkt to the subreport When I look ad the sql of the subreport and edit it: Where history_uint.’itemid’ = $P{itemid} And click read fields the I get an error “ parameter ‘itemid’ is not defined" So I have to define it somewhere and I don’t now where and the book and the tutorial don’t give me the same result as they suppose to.
  20. I have a date/time field with a Linux time stamp in it. Now I don’t won’t to see the integer but the date, how do I do this? I have tried the Mysql function “DATE_FORMAT()”, but If I had thought with my brain it was logical ireport doesn’t us the Mysql sql but his on. But my question still is how do I convert it to a sensible date/time version? Thanks for your help.
  21. I have found the palette yes so, now only the group by function
  22. Hi, I'm new ad Ireport so I have only some basic question. I have downloaded it and install it, so I think I’m using ireprot but I’m not totally clear on something are there different version of it? I what do import some static element like text, images, figures, ect.. but I can’t find the icon or function to ad something like that. When I what to construct the data to import I can’t “group by”? It gives an error “unable to create the report”, if I don’t “group by” there’s no error. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for you reply
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