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Jasper and Hibernate

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By: Cesar A. Correia - cesarac

Jasper and Hibernate

2003-07-30 13:18



do anybody already worked with JasperReports and Hibernate? My question is:


- How i do to fill a report with data from Hibernate, because JasperFillManager does not contains methods that receives HibernateSession as arguments (only Connection and JRDataSource)?


In other words, how i pass a JRDataSource to fill a report that contains subreports, because subreports fetches data dynamically?





By: Eric Everman - eeverman

RE: Jasper and Hibernate

2003-07-30 15:17

I use both Jasper & Hibernate in my work, but I do not use Hibernate as a source for Jasper. I suggest you simply use the SQL datasource provided with Jasper. Its easy to use and I see no advantage to placing another layer b/t Jasper and a database.


Eric Everman





By: Cesar A. Correia - cesarac

RE: Jasper and Hibernate

2003-07-31 05:40

Well, when we use a layer like Hibernate, we want to isolate the database from the application. Thus, when changes are made in data (tables or columns, exchange the database from relational to OO), we only need alter in a unique place, the xml file mapping.


I see that the interface JRDataSource have the implementation class JRBeanCollectionDataSource. Anybody already use it?





By: Peter Kelley - yellek

RE: Jasper and Hibernate

2003-08-03 19:19

We use webwork and Jasper for precisely the same reason. It allows us to write reports that read from our object graph and leave the database alone.

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