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Creating & Passing Date parameter in the dashboard


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HI Folks,

I would like to know how the following can be achieved.


I have 3 diff  reports separately and for the dashboard view , i have placed all  the 3 reports  together(i.e as a subreports)  in one main report. For all these 3 reports  my input paramter is StartDate & Enddate ,based on these parameter my reports will produces  the results .i can able to pass a parameter in ireport and working fine for separately.

My question as follows,

For the dashboard view creation , i want ' Startand'  'Endate'   option available in the dashboard to select the dates and selected dates should goes to those reports as a  parameter .

For example : i want a Startdate & EndDate option available in the supermart dashboard example.

How can i achive this ?

Can anyone pl.guide me.?






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Thanks ton for quick reply Matt  !

As per your's , ya i have input parameter (StartDate,EndDate) in all my 3 reports and as i mentioned earlier i placed all together in one main report.

I able to run a report fine in i-report and in  jasperserver-pro i created two input controls (StartDate,EndDate)  with 'date' datatype .

here in jasperserver-pro i  uploaded main report which has all 3 reports with input parameters and went to dashboard section and there as u said i couldn't see any parameter under 'Multi Report Controls ' .


Can you plz. correct me where am i doing wrong ? If possible to give an example is fine for better understanding .

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Maybe you should use names for the example reports that you are talking about to be clearer. It seems that maybe you have only one report (with 3 subreports). In that case you wouldn't see the controls under the section 'Multi Report Controls', but rather you would see them in the Single Report section. In either case they will show up only after you have added the report(s) to the dashboard.



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Thanks Matt  for your valuable responses  .

Yes ,i have one Main Report with 3 subreports(report1,report2 & report3).

For example

report1,report2,report3 which has separate input parameter (StartDate & EndDate) .

All the three are put together as a sub reports in another jrmxl(i.e Main Report). reason is for placed in another to make a dashboard view .

This main report  has one dummy query and with input parameter (StartDate & EndDate).

I created StartDate & EndDate input controls and uploaded main report jrmxl ( i.e which contains 3  reports) in  JS and tried to place in dashboard selector.

above is what i tried earlier and i couln't see input parameter in Multiple Report controls as u mentioned earlier.



After your second reply to this post. i tired to place one report ( i.e report1 ) in dashboard selector,after i placed in dashboard selector area ,now i could see my input parameter under  'Single Report Controls' section and drag and drop those input controls to dashboad selector.selected valid date to my report but i could not see the results in dashboard,this is mine new issue.this is what it showing even i tried giving specifying default mandatory values to the input controls as suggested in the other forums.

" The report is missing default values for atleast one paramters " .


can you pl. give your valuable comments on this to proceed.












Post Edited by teamireport at 09/29/2009 13:13
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Hi   mdahlman,

Sorry I am replying to old post.

I have created a post but reply so far.

I am using jasperserver-pro and have one dashboard created.

DashBoard contains 4 reports and all reports have PRM_YEAR and PRM_CURW as common paramter.

with some of the parameters used only some reports.

I am able to run the report and able to change the parameters.

But when I use this as iFrame and create the URL with adding PRM_YEAR=2010 in URL it does not takes the 2010 value instead takes the default value specified for PRM_YEAR inside report(i.e in my case 2006).

How can I override the Default value in URL.

Please help me Out.I am searching for last one month.

I have tried using hidden parmaters but nothing works.


Do i need to remove the Default parameter value from Reprots and then try fro url or anything else ..




Post Edited by itsgauravdas at 07/12/2011 09:33
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I have a similar problem. please try and help if any of you can.

i have embedded few reports to make a dashboard.These reports are created via domain and hence im able to see the multiple input control 'report_date' which works fine for all the reports. But i added another report, designed through ireport designer, with two parameters 'from' and 'to' in to the dashboard. As expected, it appears under single input control, which works only for that report.

Is there any way i can have the parameters under 'Multiple Input Control' to work for all the reports including the one created through ireport designer??

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