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UTF-8 encoding for HTML

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By: Chris Green - c_g12

UTF-8 encoding for HTML

2003-06-09 11:46

Hi Teodor,


I've been using JasperReports to generate reports in PDF, HTML, and CSV. I need to be able to display international characters - basically every character in the Unicode spec. I noticed that when I generated HTML reports, some characters were displayed correctly, but some weren't.


I took a look at the JRStringUtil.xmlEncode() method that you use to encode special characters. I found that the characters you encode using this method were the ones that were NOT appearing correctly on the exported HTML report. I needed to change my browser's encoding to Western European in order for them to show up correctly; because the exported report was declared to be UTF-8 encoded, this was what the browser was set to by default.


I then changed the xmlEncode() method to simply encode the string to UTF-8, and this worked nicely - the characters in the exported report appeared correctly.


Since the exported reports are declared to be UTF-8 encoded, why did you use HTML entities rather than UTF-8 encoding? Can I add my change to the JasperReports code?





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Anybody running into this problem too? I have set the encoding to ISO-8859-1 (though it could be UTF-8) and it is not converting to the correct characters:




I am not sure if it is related to the suggestion above. Any help would be greatly appreciated =)





Post edited by: krispyjala, at: 2007/06/05 19:16


Post edited by: krispyjala, at: 2007/06/05 19:17

Post edited by: krispyjala, at: 2007/06/05 19:18

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OK I found the solution on another thread (Thanks Teodor!)


Apparently I need to check the box that says "Is Styled Text" and then it won't convert my & to & and display the unicode chars correctly.


Here's the link to the original thread:




Sorry if I messed up this thread! (Doesn't seem like my problem had anything to do w/ the xmlParser util).



Post edited by: krispyjala, at: 2007/06/05 21:34

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OK I found the solution on another thread (Thanks Teodor!)

Apparently I need to check the box that says "Is Styled Text" and then it won't convert my & to & and display the unicode chars correctly.

Here's the link to the original thread:

Sorry if I messed up this thread! (Doesn't seem like my problem had anything to do w/ the xmlParser util).

Post edited by: krispyjala, at: 2007/06/05 21:34



   I'm working with jasper 0.6.7, before print, i can see (HTML) the right display, but when I try to see the PDF, the chars were written unescaped:


   PDF: Ó Ô Õ Ö Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ

   Some chars are converted ok as well, like Ú, for example. I attached the screen format of the text field.

I would see the same chars in HTML and PDF as well.


Thanks and regards,

    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest httpservletrequest, HttpServletResponse httpservletresponse)        throws ServletException, IOException    {        try        {        	boolean novopdf = false;            httpservletresponse.setContentType("application/pdf");            List vector = (List)httpservletrequest.getAttribute("dataBeanCollection");            JRBeanCollectionDataSource jrbeancollectiondatasource = null;            if (null!=vector){	            if (vector.get(0) instanceof RecuperarItensComposicaoPDFDTO){	            	if ("1".equals(httpservletrequest.getParameter("icSituacao"))){	            		novopdf =true;	            	}else if (!"N".equals(httpservletrequest.getParameter("indItemSemPreco").trim())){	            		novopdf =true;	            	}	            }	            ValidarColunaPdf validarColunaPdf = new ValidarColunaPdf();	            jrbeancollectiondatasource = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(validarColunaPdf.preencheListPDF(httpservletrequest,vector));            }else{	            jrbeancollectiondatasource = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(vector);            	SipciHelper.log.info("VETOR DO PDF NULL");            }            Object obj = (Map)httpservletrequest.getAttribute("parameters");                        if(obj == null){                obj = new HashMap();            }                        String s = SipciHelper.realPath;                        ((Map) (obj)).put("pathImagens", s);                        httpservletrequest.setAttribute("parameters", obj);            String s1 = "";            if (novopdf){            	s1 = "RecuperarItensComposicaoDetalheNovo.jasper";            }else{            	s1 = httpservletrequest.getParameter("file");            }                        File file = new File((new StringBuilder()).append(s).append("/docroot/_report/").append(s1).toString());                        JasperReport jasperreport = (JasperReport)JRLoader.loadObject(file);                        JasperPrint jasperprint;                        if(vector != null)            {                jasperprint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperreport, ((Map) (obj)), jrbeancollectiondatasource);            } else            {                JREmptyDataSource jremptydatasource = new JREmptyDataSource();                jasperprint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperreport, ((Map) (obj)), jremptydatasource);            }                       /*List<JRBasePrintPage> listajp = jasperprint.getPages();            for (JRBasePrintPage jp:listajp){            	            	System.out.print(jp.getElements());            	List<JRPrintElement> lstp = jp.getElements();            	for (JRPrintElement jr:lstp){            		            		jr.            		            	}            	            }*/                        ByteArrayOutputStream bytearrayoutputstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();                        bytearrayoutputstream.write(JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdf(jasperprint));                        httpservletresponse.setContentType("application/pdf");                        httpservletresponse.setHeader("Content-Disposition", (new StringBuilder()).append("inline; filename=").append(file.toString()).toString());                        httpservletresponse.setContentLength(bytearrayoutputstream.size());                        ServletOutputStream servletoutputstream = httpservletresponse.getOutputStream();                        servletoutputstream.write(bytearrayoutputstream.toByteArray(), 0, bytearrayoutputstream.size());                        servletoutputstream.flush();                        servletoutputstream.close();        }        catch(Exception exception) {        	if (exception.getCause() != null) {        		SipciHelper.log.fatal("Erro principal na criacao do PDF: " + exception.getCause(), exception.getCause());        	}        	SipciHelper.log.fatal("Erro na criacao do PDF: " + exception, exception);        	throw new ServletException((new StringBuilder()).append("Erro na gera347343o do PDF: ").append(exception.getMessage()).toString());        }    }
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