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Render reports using XHTML in JasperServer 3.5.0


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I have several reports in iReport 3.6.0 which are not rendered correctly in JasperServer 3.5.0.  Some label names and fields are not displayed on JasperServer.  I find that this is caused if labels or fields overlap each other in the report design.  If I render the report in XHTML in iReport everything displays correctly, even if overlapping.


Is there way to render reports using XHTML in JasperServer instead of plain HTML?  Or some other way to fix this issue?



Post Edited by zamudio at 09/12/2009 22:23
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There are a few different issues going on. First, the problem of overlapping items in HTML is covered in many many threads as well as in the JR FAQ. Look for the section "Why do some elements disappear in HTML or XLS output?".


Second, you're using different versions of iReport and JasperServer. Don't do that. Use iReport 3.5 with JasperServer 3.5. Things will be more compatible.


Having said that... I don't do it. There are way too many good new features in iReport 3.6 to ignore. But if you want to update to iReport 3.6 then keep in mind that you'll have to fix things. JasperServer 3.5 ships with JR 3.5. You can manually remove the older .jar files and replace them with the newer JR jar files.


Copy these files from iReport to JasperServer (and don't forget to remove the older versions or you'll have trouble):


On my machine the exact files paths are these
From: C:\Program Files\Jaspersoft\iReport-Professional-3.6.0\ireport\modules\ext
To: C:\Program Files\jasperserver-pro-3.5.1\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF\lib


There's also the possibility to just tell iReport to generate .jrxml in an older format. This is simpler. But of course you give up the new features, and I've heard of a few specific problems that people ran into with the these compatibility settings.


Finally, yes, you can expose the XHTML exporter in JasperServer. Sorry, I haven't done this, so I don't have the details. But in all likelihood the FAQ mentioned above should allow you to solve your problems without pursuing this option.



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 hi there,

i have the same problem i must decreases the fonts from 10 ponts to 6 ponts to see them in jasperserver.

what i'am dowing wrong.

 included 2 files created with jaspersever 3.5 and ireport 3.6


Post Edited by bredenoord at 10/21/2009 10:25

Post Edited by bredenoord at 10/21/2009 10:29
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It is likely that the fonts available in iReport are not the same as the ones in JasperServer. Have a look at the JasperReports forums for help there.


JR 3.6.1 is just released and will give error/warning messages about this. You may try adding the fonts included in JR 3.6.1 into JasperServer to see whether that fixes your problem.




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