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font name for korean language in jasper


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Hi Teodor,

We are ok with embedding the font in PDF, looking for your inputs.

I thought we already tried this approach with the "AdobeMyungjoStd-Medium.jar" that you have sent us, using Font Extension feature of JR.

We added this JAR in the Classpath, and added fontName="AdobeMyungjoStd-Medium" in the JRXML without adding any PDF related properties (i.e pdfFontName, pdfEncoding, isPdfEmbedded), by this approach we expected the AdobeMyungjoStd-Medium.ttf font to be used by the Jasper Viewer and also embedded in PDF (As these mappings were set in fonts.xml file inside the AdobeMyungjoStd-Medium.jar). However this approach din't give us the desired output, still the data was truncated in the PDF.

Your help is really appreciated.

Thanks for all your support.

Have a great day.

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I think you will not regret accepting this solution of embedding the fonts in PDF, which from our point of view is the correct way to do it and ensure the PDF will look the same on all machines, regardless of their font configurations.


You probably tried that with the Adobe fonts that I gave you. It is not surprizing it did not work and the text was still dissapearing.

This is because that TTF was created by me using FontForge, by exporting it from the OTF font that comes with Acrobat. Since I'm not familiar with that tool, the conversion was probably not very correct, and the font got some wrong metrics.

So forget about those fonts. I have actually removed everything from the previously mentioned URLs.


Please check if in your Windows/Fonts folder, you have the file called ARIALUNI.TTF. If you have it, it probably means it came with Windows, or maybe with the East Asian language packs and is subject to your Windows license. If you distribute your application, you'll need to see if you are allowed to distribute this font with your application.


In any case, what I did was to create a font extension JAR file and package up the Arial Unicode TTF. You can temporarily find it at: http://jasperreports.sf.net/ArialUnicode.jar

I also have attached on of the reports from you, modified a little in order to use the ArianUnicode font from this particular font extension JAR file. Note that you'll no longer need the iTextAsian.jar file in your classpath. You can leave it as it does not have any effect. I'm just saying this so that you know which are the requirements in case you decide to go with Arian Unicode.


Let me know how Arial Unicode works for you.


I hope this helps.



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The arial unicode worked, infact we tested all our reports using the same font  for English, Korean and Chinese, it worked fine.
Thank you very much for the support. The discussions we had with you gave us lot of information regarding the font name  concepts in Jasper reports.

Thank you once again for the support.

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