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Adding New JDBC Driver


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In iReport 3.0.0 I placed my sqlite JDBC driver jar file in the lib folder and it then appeared in the driver list in the data connection dialog.


How do I install that driver in version 3.5.2, I have tried placing it in various locations, I have also tried listing the jar file explicitly on the classpath but so far it never shows up as an avaiable driver?


Rod MacNeil


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Hello everybody,

Yes, is so easy to add a new jdbc driver to ireport, except SQLITE jdbc Driver!!!

I "googgled", searched the docs, the wiki and some manual, and all said that to add a new jdbc driver you have to add the jar file in the Classpath of ireport. By default, SQLite drivers is not present in the Select Datasource type window, so i add the driver to the classpath and nothing happens, the sqlite driver is still unavaliable. I tried MS SQL Server, i added the jar driver, i opened the datasource window again and works!!

Is ireport, SQLite compatible?

I use netbeans 6.5, ireport v3.5.2 as Netbeans plugin and SQLite jdbc V0.5.4 Driver

I tried ireport V3.5.2 stand-alone version and the same, but this time i added a new jdbc driver (SQLite) in Services, but when i tried to make the connection with the database file, don't work.

any help?  



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I've added a FirebirdSQL driver to the classpath and to the serverices. I am able to connect successfully when setting up a datasource using it and I can setup a database under services that connects. But when I run the report query I get "Error:NoClassDefFoundError!!Check you classpath!"

I'm sort of at a loss for where to go as the classpath is there and the datasource test says connection successful. I am using iReport 3.5.2 as a stand-alone.

Post Edited by dnewsom at 07/07/2009 13:50
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 I plan to use SQLite in a self contained Java Application using ireports as my reporting software.  I'm using Eclipse.  When you said that you added in the windows services window can you explain.  I'm new to this.

I've never used Java, JDBC, or iReports.


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