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serious iReport NB 3.5.0 -> 3.5.2 migration issue


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today my employee and me used iReport NB 3.5.2 and very strange things happen. Reports that worked before, now display nothing or partially nothing.

Scenario: We opened a jrxml with 3.5.2 and made a minor change (very minor, something in the TITLE band). Now we run that report with JasperReports 3.5.1 in our app and the complete detail section is empty. Funny enough, the TOTALs which are based on the Details are there.

We tried it with various exporters. Everytime the same issue. My collegue created a simple HelloWorld report and he got a totally empty PDF back.

When using our old (versioned) .jasper file, everything is fine again. But upon compiling a new one with NB 3.5.2, strange things happen.

Please advice.


Post Edited by loge at 06/08/2009 20:04
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I double checked all this. Its true. When i compile the same report with iReport NB 3.5.1 (or 3.5.0), the resulting .jasper file works as expected. If using NB 3.5.2, my details section is empty.


When looking at the serialized .jasper file, there are in fact differences. I post both jasper files so that people can check.


Its definitely not an environment issue. I tested both with Java5 and Java6. Its not relevant which JDK i use. Its only the iReport version which makes the difference. Funny enough, my report doesnt work in preview with 3.5.1 (just compiles it) but it works in my app. With 3.5.2, it works in the preview, but not in my app with JasperReports 3.5.1.


We spent about 4 hours today on this. This is so annoying.


Post Edited by loge at 06/08/2009 18:22

Post Edited by loge at 06/08/2009 20:04
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I am getting similar issue. I migrated a report done in 3.5.1 and now using 3.5.2 of the iReport. No detail band in 3.5.2 (called detail 1) is printed but other bands ok and in fact the column footer has the total of a calculated sum correctly.

Even more curious is that in iReport IDE the report is ok - detail band is there. When I run from another application and pass in the paramters etc, they get passed ok (they can be printed on the column or page foot ok) but no detail page. Is there something I should be setting that is not there but is present in the IDE?

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I posted a similar bug in the tracker. But it's specifically to do with saving in compatibility mode, not compilation of reports.



I would also suggest that saving something and opening it in an earlier version of any program is likely to cause problems, unless I've misunderstood what people have posted. Certainly I've saved reports in 3.5.0 and run them in Server 3.1.0 and found they have errors in them due to me touching on something that wasn't implemented in an earlier version.

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Ok, 10 hours later .... and nearly getting a heartattack, we finally found out some things:


1) I will never ever compile the report with the "preview" feature of iReport and put it in production. Will always use the JasperReports Ant task now.


2) I dont know who invented "When no data type" property but it seems that the default of this property changed to "Blank Page" or i never got into this trap. In any case ... the default should be something else than that!!! . If i try hard i can imagine some usecases for this property but i really CANT BELIEVE that there is a value "BLANK PAGE". In hell, if someone misses this property like us, one searches for hours and hours to find it. And i cant imagine a single use case where someone wants a blank page. So this was a 2 step problem. First the issue with compiling with a newer iREport version and second this god damn report property.


This forum software is still extremely annoying on a mac. Sometimes the HTML Editor doesnt pop up thus one cant edit an entry and the quick reply products no paragraphs. No matter what i do....

Post Edited by loge at 06/09/2009 11:44
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First, thanks for posting your results to the forum. It's a big benefit to other users when you do that. I see that you also took the time to vote on the issue baggypants logged. That's also a huge benefit to the Jaspersoft community.


Your issue #1 sounds very serious, but I'm not able to reproduce it. Would you mind posting the .jrxml files so that other users can reproduce the problem?


Your issue #2 does not appear to be an issue directly with iReport. When I create new reports in iReport the property whenNoDataType is not set at all. I'm able to change it to "All Sections, No Detail" (my favorite) or "Blank Page" (if I'm feeling contrary), etc. But when no value is set it functions as if "No Pages" was selected. So I could speculate that you have that behavior because you have a report templates with "Blank Page" accidentally specified, or you have a jasperreports.properties file with that specified, or perhaps some other cause. But it doesn't seem to me that it's inherently an iReport problem.


For both of those issues, if you're able to reproduce them then please log bugs in the tracker for them. That's really the best way to make sure they get addressed. Mentioning them in forum posts is a great first step, but logging them ensures that community members, developers, and product management folks all see them.


Finally, I assure you that the forum software is annoying on Windows as well. Paragraphs are formatted badly, preview works poorly, space is not managed well, the code block appears all the time despite its being needed only infrequently, etc. But the good news is that all of those issues are logged, so they should be addressed eventually. The forge continues to improve steadily.


I see that the forge team took the inititive to log your Mac complaint as issue 0004097. Thanks guys! It's not always possible for them to notice requests in forum posts as they did this time. So again, it's best if you're able to log problems like that so they're guaranteed to be addressed.



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