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I'm using jasperserver-pro 3.0.2 on linux platform.
I have done an analysis view and it works well.
I have create a report with iReport with hypertext link in order to run the analysis when click on data.
The report is now in a dashboard.
Everything is working well except my analysis which run wil not accept my parameter. It will always run the analysis view as defined at the beginning.
The URL is good, with my parameter, but not the analysis.
I have checked the assign permissions on it, but I have administer access.

In he hypertext link I'm calling my analysis like follow :

If you have any idea



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Hi Sherman,

thanks for your answer.

It's strange, because I have done it before without this kind of issue.

By expand parameters, you mean to put the value hardcoded in order to test without using $F{...}.

I will try and let you know






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HI Sherman,

I have done several test directly on the OLAP analysis using mdx query.

I have got an error message saying something wrong in dimension=member.

So I have copy the correct MDX query in to my hypertext link, add some parameters and now it works fine.

This is the syntaxe i'm using now in my report :

"./olap/viewOlap.html?name=/analysis/views/analyseapcms&new&mdx=select NON EMPTY Crossjoin(Hierarchize(Union({[Delai].[All Delais]}, [Delai].[All Delais].Children)), {[Measures].[qte]}) ON COLUMNS,"
+ " NON EMPTY {[Produit].[All Produits].[" + $F{F_LIB_CONST} + "]} ON ROWS "
+ " from [Encours] "
+ " where ([secteur].[All Secteurs].[Audio-vidéo], [sites].[All Sitess].[APCMS])"

I do not understand what was the difference with the earlier version, but it works.


Thanks for your support


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