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Table- dynamic rows-static colums


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 how can I  create a table where the number of rows  are unknown at design time but the number of columns are fixed?

I dont think crosstabs work for this.


Thanks in advance




Post Edited by nsamagond at 05/21/2009 00:19
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What you're describing is a typical tabular layout. It's handled by the built-in report wizard. You return a fixed number of fields from the data source. Then you display each in the detail band. The band is repeated for each row, so you don't need to know how many rows there will be.



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Thanks Matt.

I have a follow-up question.

I have several tables to display and in the detail band, but the way it works, as I understand,  it only displays one table.


So, for example if my query returns a 100  rows which have 75 colums, I have to display 5 tables, each table have will have about 8 -13 random columns of the 75 columns and each of the 100 rows.



Post Edited by nsamagond at 05/21/2009 19:10
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Could you start a new thread with this new question?


Please add a few details. I'm not at all sure what you mean by "each table have will have about 8 -13 random columns of the 75 columns". Maybe it's best to describe what you want to see in each of the 5 tables, then we can offer guidance about how to achieve it.



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  • 3 years later...

Hi nsamagond,


I understood your query.just create three different detail band and put the header into first band,put data into second band and if u want to calculate any total means just put into third detail band.each of the band size id based on ur data section(header size,data size and total size)using textField for all the details.and set the when blank null and remove line when blank is true.and set the expression for three band because of which case u want put header and data and total.





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