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JAAS and Jasperserver -- AutoLogin


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I get the username and password from the Active directory  onto the login page of jasperserver and the user just need to click the login button. But I don't want the user to do that.. somehow it should automatically login them to the jasperserver with the username and password... Can anyone please tell me what setting do I need to change.. so that it automatically logs them in with the username and password shown in that form...



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I suppose you are aware of the jasperserver "facility" consisting in giving the username and password through the URL to access the report. it's not good from security point of view but perhaps it can suggest you other ways to use that.

In the solution I put in place at a customer site, I use windows shortcuts on the desktop to access directly the reports without authentication from the user, but username and password are in clear in the shortcut.

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I don't want to have it passed in the url.. and mine is not passing in the url... whenever I change anything in login.jsp it doesn't reflect the changes in the webpage... Can I change them.. as I want to have a workaround to my solution.. I get the username and password on those 2 text fields and I want in javascript  as soon as the page is loaded and if those fileds are not empty submit the page... in this way the user won't be able to see the login page at all... Please help me to solve this workaround or suggest anything else..


Do you have samples for JAAS and Jasperserver... as I just having issues as to how to get them into the reports without seeing the login page.

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