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Making a change to a report on the JasperServer


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Should i be able to update or make a change to an existing report on the Jasperserver? I can make edits but cannot seem to save them back to the server even if it says so.

Having to delete a report just to change a single element and add it all again everytime is going to get very tiresome very quickly.


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I'm seeing the same behaviour in iReports 3.5.0 (NB package) against JasperServer 3.5, and I must furthermore agree that it is a right pain to have to recreate a report (and it's schedule) just to change a couple of elements with the report, especially while the report is very much "in development" but also needed.
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iReport provides a JasperServer Repository explorer to get a jrxml, change it, and replace it on the server.
To open it: Window->JasperServer Repository


Open the file in eiditor. Make your changes, save it and replace the file in the report unit.
You can run the report from iReport (RunReport Unit) to check the new file is there.



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Can't speak for the original respondent, but that's certainly what I'm attempting to do. Working outside the Samples folder (but still inside Reports) whenever I select "Replace with current Jrxml" (or the equivalent in properties) I get the following error "Operation Results - Error: 2 - 1 validation error(s): A resource already has this name."


This is also happening in iReports 3.5.1 (just installed to check this issue), which hints to me that the problem might not be in iReports.

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When I bring up the contextual menu on a repository item and select open in editor, I get a dialog:


; nested exception is:


This is on a Mac OS X client system (10.5.7, all latest updates), a freshly downloaded copy of iReport 3.5.1 and a JasperServer 3.5.1 install on a Linux server under Tomcat5. 

Post Edited by n9yty at 05/18/2009 03:45
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As for using the Sun JDK - how does one do that on a Mac OS X system?  I am just using the pre-built iReport.app bundle...  I tried to find a SUN JDK to install, but they don't provide one, and the OpenBSD's variant has had some work on porting it over, but it looks like it may be a real bit of work to set up and it uses X11 instead of the nice Aqua native interface that the pre-built iReport uses.

[i did download the beta1 of openjdk1.6 for osx - and tried the "generic" ireport, but it does while the opening dialog says "loading modules", and I can find no debug output anywhere...  It may not be ireport/netbeans at all and rather the openjdk stuff, I don't know. My java knowledge is pretty small. :)]

Post Edited by n9yty at 05/20/2009 20:53
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Since I could not get the client JDK updated to Sun's, I thought I'd just blow out the tomcat install on the server, as well as it's java, and instead I put in sun's jdk1.6 for general use, but for jasperserver I just downloaded the complete package from sf for linux (mysql, tomcat, java, etc...) and installed that and then configured it to use the jasper database from the prevous install.

All seems to be working now with the "Edit" function, except for the report I was working on that started this all...  but that is for a separate report, it's no longer a general problem with the function itself.



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