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possible BIRT switcher with questions


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we want to drop BIRT for some reasons i dont want to mention now. I can name them if someone is interessted. Instead i wanna ask some questions regarding Jasper:


* Is is possible to embed images in reports?

* is it possible to dynamically add barcodes via dynamic images for instance?

* Is Jasper with it newest versions listed in M2 repository?

* Is the documentation updated regulary?

* Is it easy to supply runtime values to reports? (Collections, Dates, String, .....)

* How big are the needed runtime JARs for Jasper? (BIRT was very excessive)


Thanks for giving me details and perhaps you can tell me why i should not switch to Pentaho :-) I am really searching for a embeddable reporting solution which makes simple things simple and advanced things possible.



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I'll try give you some short answers:

* We support embedding images into reports using the image element which allows loading images from URLs, local files or classpath resources. Check the /demo/samples/images sample shipped with the JR project source files.

* It is possible to add barcodes as images. You should check the /demo/samples/barbecue sample or the /demo/samples/barcode sample. The latter is a newer one showing not just a simple barcode image element, but rather a barcode component POC. Soon, JR/iR will have a production ready barcode component. We just need to see what barcode library to go with. Suggestions are welcomed.

* JR 3.5.0 (latest) was uploaded on public Maven repos last week.

* We recently published the third edition of our JR Ultimate Guide covering functionality up to JR 3.1.4 (the version before 3.5.0). We have to admit we did not do a good job of making frequent updates to this doc in the last 18 months, but it was mostly caused by an editor deal we got into and only recently got out. So from now on we should see updates to this doc at least every quarter.

* Reports can be filled with anything you can throw at them: in-memory collections of JavaBeans or arrays, table models, Hibernate queries, EJBQL queries, etc. There is a sample for each one of them and I suggest you start with the /demo/samples/datasource sample which shows three types of in-memory data sources being used.

* The JR JAR alone has 2.3Mb, but it cannot run on its own. At a minimum (depending on what you are doing) you would need an extra 10Mb of dependecy libraries including the Jakarta Commons, XML parser, etc. They can all be found in the /lib directory of our project tree.


I don't know about Pentaho, but JasperReports was created with embeddability in mind. If you want reporting in your Java application, then you came to the right place.


I hope this helps.



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thanks for quick and extensive reply on my questions. Highly appreciated. I think we will go with Jasper and try it now and see how things are going.

BTW, we use a barcode library called RBarcode. Its low-end commercial, so unfortunately not OSS. But i have not seen a good OSS barcode library yet and we make extensive use of Barcodes. 

Just for the record why BIRT doesnt made it in our company (sadly we have one project in production with birt now):


* memory footprint is crazy (thanks to OSGi), even needed to tweak VM memory params for BIRT

* you need to do javascripting inside report even for the most trivial things

* no Maven repos for BIRT core and deps


But with Birt one was able to really embedd images inside the Report file. That was kind of cool because this way you dont need to worry about filepaths and URLs and stuff. Its always tricky to know what the root filepath for a certain classloader is.

If we succeed with Jasper in the first months, we might go to the next level and use some other enterprise stuff and pay for support and things but first we need to see how its going overall....



Marc Logemann, CEO Logentis GmbH


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We do have a request for embedding the image bytes into the actual report template at design time. It would not be very difficult to achieve, but it was not a high priority and this is why is still open (note that you can now vote for it with Mantis).


Maybe in the following weeks/months we'll find some time to give it a shot.





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