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How is the Jasprsrvr database used?


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Can someone please help me understand how the Jasprsrvr database that is created as part of the install used in and by JasperServer?

Can it then exist with the database with the data?

The data for my reports currently is currently hosted on UDB. Inorder for me to complete the installation do I have to create this 'Jasprsrvr' database in UDB? or can it be created using MySQL on the application server?




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A database is used to store JasperServer metadata, like report templates, database connection parameters etc. MySQL is used by default for this, but you can use other databases.


You can set up connections to other databases in JasperServer to be used for reports and OLAP. You just need a JDBC driver.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks Sherman.

My next question: Once I generate the reports (scheduled) in .pdf and .xls - is there any way, I can actually move them out of the Meta tables and store them in certain folders on the Server Storage?

Here I am thinking about how I might manage the size of the meta tables - and how if I should archive some reports (say older than 3 months) but still store the .pdf and .xls that I already created.



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You could read whatever data you want to archive directly from the default JS datastore, or whatever datastore config you choose to use, and then put it where you want it.


You can also use the supplied web services to retrieve the data and then do whatever you want with it (I use them to get the report results and export them to an FTP server for our clients who don't want them emailed).


Or, you could just plugin your own version of the datastore if you prefer to not read from mySQL or the other database versions that are supported (which includes DB2 IIRC).


Or you could have each report emailed to some daemon that would then archive them as they are received, then have some other process (manual or auto) that periodically removes them from JS as they grow older than desired.


Or you could just manually archive each individual report and delete it manually after it has been archived.


There are a number of different ways you could do what you want - it depends on your needs and capabilities.

Post Edited by developerdude at 05/19/2009 20:23
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  • 4 months later...

Thanks Dude..

Since then I was contemplating on which of the various options is the best.

Finally what we are doing is - when the report is created, we also are creating a .pdf version and storing it in the archive. Subsequently we will clean up the Metadata tables with a date parameter (anything older than a certain date are deleted).

Thanks for your input.



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  • 8 months later...

I've got the same questions about backending the reports storage with something other than a MySQL server.  I know we can query reports and delete them once we archive but the problem I'm facing is the size of the reports we need to generate.  We have reports that we generate with JasperReports that are upwards of 400-500MB.  I don't feel confortable with integrating this report into JasperServer and having it try to store a blob of that size.  Even if I were to extract it and delete it, I'm afraid it would eventually cause some massive performance issues on the MySQL server.

I'm going to have to evaluate the ease of plugging in a filesystem storage into the scheduler although I'm looking for a pluggable way to do this rather than editing JasperServer code itself.  Having this flexibility integrated into JasperServer in the future would be wonderful.  This one issue is the major item that is keeping us from jumping right into JasperServer.

   -- John Watzke

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