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Localization with JasperBabylon in IReport 3.5


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in the classic version of IReport 3.0.0 there was a plugin "translation status" with which I could import the translations from JasperBabylon. I don't find this plugin or feature in version 3.5.

I want to localize it to german. I also searched in the options but I can't find a language option anywhere. Some menus even are translated to german in my version but the main elemtents as  report elements and properties are still in english language.

We plan to deploy IReport to some End-users who should edit some reports. Therefore I think that version 3.5 is more user-friendly than the classic version. so it would be great to have the new version translated.

Perhaps I'm doing something wrong or I overlooked something?

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We are working on a new version of JasperBabylon able to handle multiple resource bundles per application, sub applications and bundle versions.

In the mean time this is the suggested path to translate iReport 3.5.0:

1. Get the iR 3.5.0 sources from the SVN repository:

svn checkout --username anonsvn http://jasperforge.org/svn/repos/ireport

or from the source distribution.

2. Most of the strings are all located in the file:  iReport/ireport-designer/src/com/jaspersoft/ireport/locale/Bundle.properties
but in general there are many Bundle.propertis in all the other packages that should be translated, I'm trying to rid of all of them, but for now they are still there.

3. Translate the files (at least the big one) creating Bundle_de.properties

4. Create a jar containing the Bundle files in their packages and put the jar in: iReport-nb-3.5.0ireportmoduleslocale

Send me the files you have done, so I can add them to the standard distribution.
Feel you free to contact me directly for any question on translation, I'll more than happy to help you.


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