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Pie chart with percentage (how to find the total?)


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(This question can also be cast as "how to find the final total while walking through each row of a dataset")

I want to plot a pie chart.  In the label expression, I want to show the
percentage of each category in the overall total (i.e. the value of each
key with respect to the overall total)

So I wrote the Label Expression to be


Here the $F{num_incidents} is the value of each row while
$V{totalNumIncident} is my lame attempt to final the overall total

$V{totalNumIncident} is calculated with the following settings

Calculation Type: Sum
Reset Type: Report
Increment Type: None
Variable Expression: $F{num_incidents}
Initial Value Expression: new Long(0)

However, what I found is that the variable $V{totalNumIncident} was
the *running total* at the time each row of the dataset was examined
(i.e. when each category in the pie chart was plotted) but not the *final
total*, so the precentages were all wrong.

The final total (of all categories) can only be known when all rows have
been walked through (all categories plotted), but when I plot each
category, I need to know the final total.  It looks like I need two
passes of walking through the data.  But I don't know how to express
that in iReport.



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In JasperReports version 3.1.0, we have introduced two new properties to control the appearenace of section labels and legend labels. These two are called labelFormat and legendLabelFormat.

You can use {0}, {1} and {2} for displaying the key, the value and the percentage in pie charts.

For these formats to be used, you have to leave the labelExpression empty.

I hope this helps.



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  • 2 weeks later...


Thanks for your advice. I am using the last releases of iReport (3.1.2) and Jasperserver (3.1.0) but I cannot see in Ireport the new properties you described.

But it's true that by changing the "theme" property from nothing to "simple" I get a pie with labels containing both key and percentage, which is good for me.

So my question is : what have I to do to access the new properties you spoke about. Am I obliged to use a "theme" definition?

Thanks for your answer.

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Thanks for your answer.  Now that after I upgrade to JS 3.1, I have the same question as Gaby38 and mpgm above.  I could not an editable property called  labelFormat or legendFormat.

In fact, even if I save the JRXML file, there are no such string in the file.

I do see that if I changed the theme from "nothing" to simple, then in the labels the percentages would be displayed.  Unfortunately this is not good enough for me, because I am also asked to display the value.

Thanks! Happy New Year!


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  • 2 weeks later...


These two new settings for pie charts are available to all chart themes. You are not forced to use a particular chart theme to make use of them.

However, the problem is that they are still missing from the iReport editor and we should log this as a bug.

In the meantime, the only way to get around this is to edit them manually in the JRXML.

Check the pie chart samples in the /demo/samplescharts folder of the JR project package.


I hope this helps.



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Sorry, there is no simple way to set the font. You can set the legend font, but not the label font.


To set the label font you would need to make a change to the chart customizer to expose this property. I've had this request before. It would be great if you could log this as an enhancement request.



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  • 4 weeks later...


How to display the fractional values in Pie chart...........

<pie3DPlot labelFormat="{0} {2}" legendLabelFormat="{0} {1}">

Using this i can display only decimal values.....
Like 20% 55%..........

I want to display output in pie chart like 12.25%, 55.30%, 0.05%.........

How can implement this..............

Post Edited by pentaho pentaho at 02/17/09 13:08
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  • 4 months later...



How to display the fractional values in Pie chart...........

<pie3DPlot labelFormat="{0} {2}" legendLabelFormat="{0} {1}">

Using this i can display only decimal values.....
Like 20% 55%..........

I want to display output in pie chart like 12.25%, 55.30%, 0.05%.........

How can implement this..............

Post Edited by pentaho pentaho at 02/17/09 13:08

Please give me your ideas for create aboue pie chart.

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  • 2 years later...

I use {2} in a pie chart to display the percentage. However 2 problems remain:

1. format decimal presicion (i need 2 fraction digits)

2. Exclude "0 %" values. Zeroes come from my datasource and shell be present in a crosstab above the chart but not in the chart itself. A subreport would be a workaround.

I can implement 1+2 in JasperReports. Question about that:

- is there an interest to have this features in the official project?

- if yes, a discussion of the XML-design for configuration is needed.



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