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classic IReport 3.0.0 versus Ireport-nb version


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In our company we have chosen to use Ireport and JasperREports since 2006 , and now,  I am working to the migration from Ireport/jasperreports 1.3.0 to 3.0.0 and jasper 3.1.2.

When I downloaded The last version of IReport, I noticed that you propose now 2 different versions of IReport : one for NEtBean platform and one for classical applications.

As we do not use Net BEan (we use IBM software developpment platform with RSA to develop our web applications), I have chosen to download 3.0.0 version of ireport. We packaged Ireport in order to be opened in RSA.

The question I ask for is : do you still propose evolution for classical version of Ireport? if so, when will the version 3.1.2  be delivered?

On the other side, if you decided to only propose evolutions for IreportNB, what are the consequences for us : can i still use the eclipse plugin to launch Ireport-nb from RSA (ibm platform based on eclipse)?






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could you please add the link of those threads?

I have searched on the forum and also on the blogs : I understand that ireport-nb is a new designer and that's a wonderful tool and useful for people who work with Net Beans as IDE but it is not the case of our company.





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frblusso writes

As we do not use Net BEan (we use IBM software developpment platform with RSA to develop our web applications), I have chosen to download 3.0.0 version of ireport.

I think there is  a bit of confustion here - the NetBeans version is available using the rich client platform, which means it is a stand alone application that happens to use the NetBeans framework, not a plug in.  You download and install it and the user is not aware of the fact that it is based on NetBeans, at least until they go to the preferences pane.


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Ok , I understand that I can use Ireport-nb in the platform i use. But I have to change the way i deliver it to our developpers and i have to tell them that they won't have anymore the possibility to run ireport inside Rational Software Architecture.


Matt (author mdahlman) , could you please give me the links to threads you think to in your answer? It will help me to explain the change to our teams.






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