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Troubles using IE and the ajax based repoExplorer


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I tried IE 6/7 with the repositoryExplorer component shipped with JS 3.0 and i am getting an error in "flow.html?_flowID=repositoryExplorerFlow" (ajaxError is undefined at line 260, col 5) as soon as i descent down to the third hierarchical level in my repository (root/1stlevel/2dnlevel/3rdlevel).

Any hints on this?



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O.o ...


thanks, that (doesn't) really help. Enterprise policy focussing on IE as standard. And i doubt we are the only one. In fact, we have several Ajax applications where IE works better than firefox (gecko rendering engine is borked, not IE's)...


Anyone have some more hints on this?





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The Javascript error occurs when the browser attempts to display a (user friendly) dialog which informs the user about an error that ocurred in the application.  Hence there the root cause probably lies on the server side; take a look at the WEB-INF/logs/jasperserver.log file and you should find an exception there (if you don't find any, also take a look at $TOMCAT/logs/catalina.out).

In any case, the fact that the error message dialog cannot be displayed properly is a bug in itself, so please log it so that we can track it properly.



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Heyas & thanks:

the only thing in my log is:

16:53:19,225  WARN LoggerListener,http-8080-Processor14:55 - Authentication event AuthenticationSuccessEvent: rink; details: org.acegisecurity.ui.WebAuthenticationDetails@1c07a: RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId: 86198C8B77E2EC997443AFDCA1848C32
16:53:19,226  WARN LoggerListener,http-8080-Processor14:55 - Authentication event InteractiveAuthenticationSuccessEvent: rink; details: org.acegisecurity.ui.WebAuthenticationDetails@1c07a: RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId: 86198C8B77E2EC997443AFDCA1848C32

(same for catalina.log and jasperserver.log). No exception traces there.

Any help, please?



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Hello Lucian,


Thanks for taking the time and trying to help me. Using the old repository Explorer (repoAdminFlow) works and does not yield an log entrie (beside the authentication entry).

I am pretty clueless on what to do. I checked all security parameters from IE, but nothing helps...

Any help is still appreciated (i can post a screenie if that would be of help...)



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Hello guys,

This morning, for the 1st time ,I tried to access my jasperserver site with IE from another PC than mine (on my PC I use only Firefox) and I was surprised to see that some hyperlinks inside raports were not working and lead me to the login page.

After search, it seemed to be due to some cookies and the level of control of IE.

In the Confidentiality tab, after clicking on "Sites", I added the network domain of my server (which is hosted at a distant provider site) in the trusted domains and after that all was working well.

So , perhaps it is not the same kind of trouble in your case, but have a look about the filtering options of IE and try a test with no control at all.

Hope this helps


 edit : sorry I didn't see your last post and that you tried to change IE security parameters

Post Edited by Gabriel Entressangle at 11/27/08 12:50
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Marc, does the same thing work in Firefox?  Testing this might give some clues on whether the problem lies on the server or on the client..

I'm running out of ideas on what to suggest here.  If you have a Javascript debugger which can intercept Ajax requests/responses or a packet sniffer at hand, you could use to see whether you spot anything that looks like an error/exception in the browser to server communication.



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Here are two screenies: Firefox is working well, IE6 hangs

Maybe the problem is with non-Ascii chars?  Could you create another folder with some German characters, and see whether IE hangs when opening that folder as well?

Are you using URIEncoding="UTF-8"

for Tomcat (as described in the JasperServer localization guide)?  I'm not sure whether this could cause the IE problems, but it's worth to verify it..



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It has definitively something to do with german special characters: I can nicely browse all folders NOT containing a special character.

I imported the repository from a 2.1 Version sitting on a windows box into a v3.0 on a linnux host.

Attached is part of my server.xml file. Character encoding is UTF-8 (as per default) as well as in the shown the encodingProvider bean.

Everything seems to be ok. I will try to log and use the debug-tool on monday to get more information for you.



 <Connector port="8080" URIEncoding="UTF-8" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"               maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"               enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100"               connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" />---------------    <bean id="encodingProvider" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.common.util.StaticCharacterEncodingProvider">        <constructor-arg value="UTF-8"/>    </bean>---------------
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i added the debug entry to the log4j.propertie file. Attached is the excerpt. Seems to be a problem finding the resource with german umlaut.

Anything i can do to fix it?



08:52:28,843 DEBUG HibernateRepositoryServiceImpl,http-8080-Processor24:585 - Looking for name:  berwachung in folder: /IDS/IT08:52:28,848 DEBUG HibernateRepositoryServiceImpl,http-8080-Processor24:174 - Resource not found at "repo:/IDS/IT/ berwachung"08:52:28,850 DEBUG HibernateRepositoryServiceImpl,http-8080-Processor24:258 - Folder not found at "repo:/IDS/IT/ berwachung"08:52:28,853 DEBUG HibernateRepositoryServiceImpl,http-8080-Processor24:258 - Folder not found at "/IDS/IT/ berwachung"
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I don't know if it is the same kind of problem, but when I started using Jasperserver I first used as object names French names with accent (é,è,..) and I got troubles : jasperserver seemed to be unable to recognize them. So I stopped to use French accentued words as names and all was right.

For the labels, there is no problem.

For your info


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The IE issue is probably a bug.  Please log it as such here so that we'll be able to track it properly.  Please include all relevant information (IE version, Tomcat URI encoding).

As a hotfix, you could try the following: edit scripts/repositoryExplorer.js, search for "RepositoryExplorer.prototype.repositoryExplorerHandler" and replace the following line

var urlString = 'flow.html?_flowId=repositoryExplorerFlow&method=getResources' + '&FolderUri=' + node.getParam().uri;


var urlString = 'flow.html?_flowId=repositoryExplorerFlow&method=getResources' + '&FolderUri=' + encodeURIComponent(node.getParam().uri);

In Firefox (and other browsers), XMLHttpRequest automatically encodes the URI according to the page charset, but this doesn't seem to happen on some IE versions.



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Hi Lucian & thanks for the hotfix!

unfortunately it doesn't work. The effect is still the same, there is an error and the ajax component does not load objects beneath the folder with a german umlaut.

I am gonna submit a error report and link it to this thread.


Any other hints for me? I wanted to put the system into production mode before x-mas, but as far as i can see, i only can do it for some users (those without access to the Umlauted folders).



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Have you cleared your browser's cache?

Could you enable your Tomcat's access log, and watch the log file while you click and expand the folder?  You should see some URLs like flow.html?_flowId=repositoryExplorerFlow&method=getResources&FolderUri=... and flow.html?_flowId=repositoryExplorerFlow&method=getChildren&provider=repositoryExplorerTreeFoldersProvider&uri=...; post them here, maybe the shed some light onto what exactly is happening..

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find attached the last ~20 lines from the catalina access log. I cleared all cookies/caches and stopped/started JS before trying it. Same result.

Do you need anything else? ;)



edit: I forgot to mention: i activated the access-log valve as well as the FastCommonAccessLogValve


Post Edited by Marc Rink at 12/08/08 12:36
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after a tedious process of upgrading my actual JS 3.0 to 3.1 the IE related bug with the ajax based repository view has changed. Now  i can click all folders with umlauts in it without any problems, but report elements within these folders wont be listed, only subfolders are being shown. Report Elements in subfolders below folders with umlauts are not being shown either.

What information can i provide?




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