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stored procedures


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Its on JasperForge. Try http://jasperforge.org/plugins/project/project_home.php?group_id=173 It looks like the release packages and wiki content got confused during the recent JasperForge migration - the wiki content is for a different project... You should be able to access the source repository and anonymously check out the source to build.


I've started work on a significantly improved version, and have the core JasperReports part all working, but I'm having trouble getting the iReport plugin to work with iReport 3.1.



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I've started work on a significantly improved version, and have the core JasperReports part all working, but I'm having trouble getting the iReport plugin to work with iReport 3.1. -Barry


Wow - now that's very interesting! How is it coming along? I've been searching and searching for a way to retrieve data from an Oracle stored procedure. I've attempted to use your OracleStoredProcedures project but I need to freshen up my Java build skills as I haven't successfully been able to get it to work as of yet. (Even if it did work it doesn't have a fields provider class does it? - I guess you'd design your report with a SQL statement and switch to plsql later right?).

It seems one could use the data direct JDBC Oracle driver as it supposedely returns a cursor result in the same way as SQL server and my sql - but its pricey.

If you're solution is available I would be very interested whether you release it as open source or as a commericial product.

Thank you

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I need to build a report that calls Oracle Stored Procedure. I'm using iReport 3.5.3 and, in preview of iReport, all works fine.

However, in my application (even if I use all jars of iReport), when I try to run this report, I received this error:

net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: No query executer factory class registered for plsql queries.


How can I fix this? Thanks so much for any help and sorry for my English.

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