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hAlign attribute in image

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By: Alec Swan - alecswan

hAlign attribute in image

2003-05-08 10:08

I copied and pasted an image element from the sample reports provided, but am getting an error now:

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Attribute "hAlign" must be declared for element type "image".

at org.apache.xerces.framework.XMLParser.reportError(XMLParser.java:1008)


This is weird, because hAlign is defined in the image element. Here is the element definition:


<image scaleImage="FillFrame" hAlign="Left" vAlign="Top" isUsingCache="true"

evaluationTime="Now" hyperlinkType="None">

<reportElement x="0" y="0" width="100" height="40"

positionType="FixRelativeToTop" isPrintRepeatedValues="true"

isRemoveLineWhenBlank="false" isPrintInFirstWholeBand="false"

isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="false" />

<graphicElement pen="Thin" stretchType="NoStretch" fill="Solid" />

<imageExpression class="java.lang.String">"dukesign.jpg"</imageExpression>



Please help.







By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: hAlign attribute in image

2003-05-11 04:50




This looks like a version mismatch.

Are you sure you are running the 0.4.6 version?

Maybe in the classpath you have an older version

of JasperReports left.


I hope this helps.







By: Alec Swan - alecswan

RE: hAlign attribute in image

2003-05-12 10:23

You are right, Teodor. I was using the older version on JasperReports, hence the problem with hAlign.

However, I wasn't able to get 0.4.6 version working with the save common-xxx jars.

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