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getting jasperserver started with windows services


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I've seen this discussed a few times here, but I haven't had any luck getting it going.

If I start jasperserver via start>all programs>jasperserver 3.0>jasperserver management>start jasperserver  then everything runs fine and my reports work and things seem to be as they should.

I've registered tomcat as a service and can also start mysql as a service.  If instead of using the start jasperserver shortcut, I start the tomcat service and the mysql service, I can browse to http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/login.html and can login and can see my reports listed.  If I click on one of the reports though, they do not work and I get the following error:

com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSexception: jsexception.error.creating.connection

Like I said above, everything works fine using the start jasperserver shortcut.  I get this error when I have started tomcat and mysql through services.  Is there something else I have to start?

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I would try clearing out the tomcat (as a service logs) and the jasperserver/WEB-INF/logs/jasperserver.log to see if you can get a full error stack trace.

The tomcat that is running as a service must not have fully correct connection information. There are a few files to look at such as META-INF/context.xml. Also, there is an odd thing with Tomcat where if you had an old auto-deployed jasperserver war you may end up with a datasource definition in your <tomcat>/conf/Catalina/localhost/jasperserver.xml. If present, this file should be deleted (because it will get used before the one you want).

The docs/JasperServer-Install-Guild.pdf talks about this in the Troubleshooting section (near end of doc). The error looks like JasperServer is not connecting to the jasperserver database.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Upon further inspection of the logs, it looks like it has to do with Microsoft SQL Server integrated authentication failing when tomcat and mysql are started as a service.

When I start MYSQL and Tomcat as a service, the Sample Reports all run fine but my MSSQL reports using windows authentication all fail to connect.


When I start via the allctl.bat, all my reports work fine.  Both sample reports and my MSSQL reports.  Does the allctl.bat load up some files that wouldn't get loaded otherwise?  The MSSQL with integrated auth requires a jar and a couple dlls to be loaded.  I've put them in a bunch of different directories, and like I said, works just great when started with the script.

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Well, it appears to be a authentication issue completely.  It looks like it's trying to log in to the mssql server as domain/machine name.  I changed the tomcat service to be run as my login and not the local system account, so not sure why it's passing what it is to the mssql server. 

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Ok, it's possible it just didn't take my change to the tomcat5 service log on initially.  I changed both the mysql and tomcat service login to be my domain/username and restarted both services.  Everything is working  now.


Thanks a lot for the initial guidance tkavanagh

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