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Subreport different DataSource

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I think this problem has been discussed in this forum but I still cannot seem to find a solution for it.

In my master report I have a JavaBean as datasource. So if I compile it in ireport using the Bean datasource everything works out. In my subreport I want to use a jdbc oracle connection. I read to pass the connection to the subreport using $P{REPORT_CONNECTION}:

<subreport  isUsingCache="true">
 <reportElement    x="27" y="46" width="493" height="9" key="subreport-1"/>  <connectionExpression><![CDATA[$P{REPORT_CONNECTION}]]></connectionExpression>
  <subreportExpression  class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[$P{SUBREPORT_DIR} + "SubBericht.jasper"]]></subreportExpression>

But it is not working and is it not obvious that it wont work? I mean the master reports can only start with one datasource and it is the bean so how can it pass a connection to the subreport if it does not itself have a connection present?


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I keep on reading that JasperReports allow multiple datasources. But I still cannot see how this could be possible. I am using runReportToPdfStream() and it allows only EITHER a connection or a JRDataSource so how can I use Beans in my Master report and a Connection in my Subreport or the other way around?

I have looked at the subreport sample and all Master and Subreports in that case use a connection so that is not helping.

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Is the right way to do it to create a Connection instance and add it to a Hashmap and pass it to the master report which then passes it further to the subreport?

Map<String, Connection> parameters = new HashMap<String, Connection>();
JasperRunManager.runReportToPdfStream(reportStream, out, parameters, new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(BeanRecordFactory.generateCollection()));

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I have done a couple of reports where the main datasource is from Oracle and the subreport needs a dataconnection from MySQL, and I did it by opening the MySQL Connection first and then passing that into the main report as a parameter, then passing that in as my <connectionExpression> to the subreport.




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is there anybody that solved this topic?

I'm in the same trouble. I have the main report that uses a JavaBean datasource and i would like to use a JDBConnection for the subreports. As is specified in iReport manuals, it is possible to use a different datasource for the subreports. But does anybody achieved to pas a jdbconnection to a subreport that has it's main report that uses a bean as a datasource?

Is it possible to do it with iReport?

thnx, in advance!

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If I remeber correctly this was the solution:


Is the right way to do it to create a Connection instance and add it to a Hashmap and pass it to the master report which then passes it further to the subreport?

Map<String, Connection> parameters = new HashMap<String, Connection>();
JasperRunManager.runReportToPdfStream(reportStream, out, parameters, new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(BeanRecordFactory.generateCollection()));


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i found a soluton for using a different datasource for the subreport. Actually, i'm using iReport 3.7.0 and what i did was adding a parameter at the main report that is used instead of the usual built-in parameter $P{REPORT_CONNECTION}.

Lets say that the new parameter is $P{SUBREPORT_CONNECTION}. with class name "java.sql.Connection" and default value expression: "java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://db","user","pwd")".

Then, it is possible to reference this parameter at the subreport connection expression instead of referencing REPORT_CONNECTION. 


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