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Usually, my installation of jasperserver 2.1 on linux seems to run fine. However, form time to time, it starts generating an error, namely

at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.tags.JasperViewerTag.doEndTag(JasperViewerTag.java:153)
at org.apache.jsp.WEB_002dINF.jsp.ViewReport_jsp._jspx_meth_js_jasperviewer_0(ViewReport_jsp.java:351)

when I try to run a report, even though the same report ran fine some time ago. Once this happens, I have to restart jasperserver.

Any idea where to start looking for a solution for this one?

Thanks in advance


Post edited by: kusu, at: 2008/06/22 18:48
Post edited by: kusu, at: 2008/06/23 03:12

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We have not seen this before.


When a report is run, the abstract Java object representing the report (JasperPrint) is stored in the user session. The HTML view is then generated from the JasperPrint object. Could the user session have timed out?


I have no idea why you would need to restart the server.



Can you show full stack traces of the jasperprint not found exception and anything that happens after that error?






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Thanks for replying.

The full stack trace is


I have played some more with this issue, and found out the following:

1) It seems independent of the installation. I have reinstalled all of JapserServer now on another VMWare image (Ubuntu feisty fawn), and it still happens.

2) It does not happen each time, but it happens from time to time. It happens right after entering the input controls for my report and clicking ok. I then get the error message "An error occurred. Please contact your system administrator." I then can go back to the list of reports by clicking View->Reports and try again, upon which it may work again, or maybe not.

3) It happens with my own reports only. I have not observed it with the sample reports. My own reports were created with iReport 2.0.5, so I assume they should be ok. I attach a copy of one of them.

4) Timing out cannot be an issue, I think. Within thirty seconds, a report may work, then not work, and then work again.

[file name=clientlist.jrxml size=0]

Any ideas?


Post edited by: kusu, at: 2008/06/25 16:59

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I don't think it is related to your report. Could be something funky with the UI interaction.


Are the parameters popping up a dialog box or are they embedded in the page? Hmmm, you are probably using JasperServer 2.1, so the popup would not be there.


What browser are you using?





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Thanks, Sherman, your hints have allowed me to pinpoint the matter more precisely.


If I make the parameter input dialog box appear in a "popup screen", the error happens IF I dismiss the dialog box using the Enter key on my keyboard. (I just enter a text in a text field and then hit the Enter key.) If I dismiss the dialog box by clicking the OK button with my mouse, no error occurs.


If I make the parameter input dialog box appear in a "new page", the problem does not occur. (But in that case I cannot use the Enter key anyway as it -- strangely -- operates the Reset button.)





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The "jsexception.jasperprint.not.found" error that occurs when Enter is pressed in the input controls dialog is a known problem in JasperServer 2.1, but has been fixed in 3.0. In JS 2.1, you won't be able to submit the dialog by pressing Enter, you'll have to click the OK button.


Note that even in 3.0, pressing Enter in the controls dialog will only submit the inputs if the browser treats the Enter key as a form submission event.




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