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Everything posted by kusu

  1. Dear all I am completely stuck with the following problem: I have JasperServer 3.1 running, and I am editing reports on JasperServer with iReports 3.1. I need to build a report that queries two different databases, which are run on two different servers (one being a Sybase Anywhere server, the other a mysql server).The report should send a similar query to both servers, and then first generate a list of the results returned by the first server, then a list of the results returned by the second server. I can successfully build reports that query one or the other server, but I have not found a way to combine results from both servers in a single report. I thought that I might query one server with a master report and query the other server with a subreport embedded in the master report, but I have been unable to tell the subreport to query the other server. Is there a way to achieve what I am trying to do? Thanks in advance Kurt
  2. Thanks for your message. I am happy to see that someone more knowledgeable than me confirms that this should work. Would you mind sharing the sql query of your report? I guess I could figure it out by sufficiently reverse-engineering the tables in the database, but having a working example would simplify the work tremendously. Also, excerpts from your jasper-servlet.xml and viewReportFlow.xml would be very welcome. Best regards Kurt
  3. I have JasperServer CE 4.0 with a couple of reports. I have a series of users who should be able to log in and run these reports. When they log in, they should, if possible, see a list of the reports available to them, and nothing else. The list should contain the name of each report and its description. Clicking the report will run it. As it is now, the user sees way to much that he does not need and that confuses him, such as the parts of the repository he has access to, etc. This is way too complicated for the users. I have browsed this forum and elsewhere, and it appears that others are having the same problem, but I have not found a simple and complete description of a solution. So maybe someone can help me with this. One way to achieve what I want appears to be the following: Create a "report of reports" querying the jasperserver database and listing the reports available to the user's group. Each row of the report would be clickable and open an URL with the appropriate report. Edit jasperserver-servlet.xml such that the user is, upon log-in, automatically redirected to the report created in step 1.I have given this a try, and I have been able to create a simple report of reports querying the jasperserver database, but what kind of URL should I link its rows to? Also, the documentation on how to change jasperserver-servlet.xml is a bit sketchy. So here are a couple of questions, in case anyone has solved this in the way above: What would be a good SQL query to be used in the report of reports? How to construct the URL that the rows in the report should redirect the user to? How to edit jasperserver-servlet.xml to redirect the user of a given group to the report?Or is there any other way to achieve more or less what I want, i.e. to make sure that a user, upon log-in, sees basically only the ports (e.g. the report in a given folder) and as little else as possible? Thanks for any help in advance! Kurt
  4. Hi there I am using a direct url to access a report in jasperserver, something like http://reports.local:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=/Faceless/MyReport&decorate=no&j_acegi_security_check?&decorate=no&j_username=PAT&j_password=pat&CaseNumber=P123434 The html report that is returned contains the icons for pdf, excel, word etc. at the top left. I don't need these. In fact, due to the way the html is displayed, these icons do not work anyway. Is there a way to suppress these icons? Thanks for any advice in advance Kurt
  5. Thanks, Sherman, your hints have allowed me to pinpoint the matter more precisely. If I make the parameter input dialog box appear in a "popup screen", the error happens IF I dismiss the dialog box using the Enter key on my keyboard. (I just enter a text in a text field and then hit the Enter key.) If I dismiss the dialog box by clicking the OK button with my mouse, no error occurs. If I make the parameter input dialog box appear in a "new page", the problem does not occur. (But in that case I cannot use the Enter key anyway as it -- strangely -- operates the Reset button.) Regards Kurt
  6. Addendum: The attached file did not upload properly. I try it again: [file name=applicant_list.jrxml size=18632]
  7. Sherman Thanks for replying. The full stack trace is Code: I have played some more with this issue, and found out the following: 1) It seems independent of the installation. I have reinstalled all of JapserServer now on another VMWare image (Ubuntu feisty fawn), and it still happens. 2) It does not happen each time, but it happens from time to time. It happens right after entering the input controls for my report and clicking ok. I then get the error message "An error occurred. Please contact your system administrator." I then can go back to the list of reports by clicking View->Reports and try again, upon which it may work again, or maybe not. 3) It happens with my own reports only. I have not observed it with the sample reports. My own reports were created with iReport 2.0.5, so I assume they should be ok. I attach a copy of one of them. 4) Timing out cannot be an issue, I think. Within thirty seconds, a report may work, then not work, and then work again. [file name=clientlist.jrxml size=0] Any ideas? Thanks Kurt Post edited by: kusu, at: 2008/06/25 16:59
  8. Hi Usually, my installation of jasperserver 2.1 on linux seems to run fine. However, form time to time, it starts generating an error, namely jsexception.jasperprint.not.found at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.tags.JasperViewerTag.doEndTag(JasperViewerTag.java:153) at org.apache.jsp.WEB_002dINF.jsp.ViewReport_jsp._jspx_meth_js_jasperviewer_0(ViewReport_jsp.java:351) ... when I try to run a report, even though the same report ran fine some time ago. Once this happens, I have to restart jasperserver. Any idea where to start looking for a solution for this one? Thanks in advance Kurt Post edited by: kusu, at: 2008/06/22 18:48 Post edited by: kusu, at: 2008/06/23 03:12
  9. I have recently installed JaserServer 2.1 on a linux server and am happy with (and impressed by) it (except for the occasional problem as error as reported here: http://www.jasperforge.org/sf/go/projects.jasperserver/discussion.jasperserver_forum_backup_do_not.topc29419 but that is not the topic of this mail.) I am using iReport 2 on a client PC for creating reports on it. I wonder if I could also use iReport 3 on the client PC. Does iReport 3 work with JapserServer 2.1, or would I have to expect problems with that combination. Thanks for any advice in advance. Kurt
  10. I am trying to set up a VMWare machine with JasperServer and a connection to an external Sybase Anywhere 9 database. To do so, I took a simple Linux Apache server and I have installed JasperServer 2.1 into it. JapserServer seems to work fine with the mysql database on the same VMWare machine. Then, in order to get a connection to that Sybase database, I have downloaded jConnect 6.0, which contained the jconn3.jar jdbc driver. What do I do now? Where do I have to place that driver in order for it to be recognized by JasperServer? (Please forgive me the naivety of my questions, I know nothing about java...) Thanks for any hints in advance. Kurt Post edited by: kusu, at: 2008/06/15 13:48
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