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[SOLVED] Measuring run time of each subreport


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I have a report that is divided in more than 40 sub reports, i need a way of finding out how much time each of the subreport is taking to run.


Is there any native way to discover this time with jasper reports? or do i need to implement some method?..


any clue or advice any of you can give me?


thanks in advance,

João Taborda

Post edited by: taborda, at: 2008/04/08 09:51

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hi taborda



Look into the samples provided in the jasperreports build. There are plenty of samples which can demonstrate you how to calculate the taken to fill and print a report. In the same way you can calculate the time taken to compile the report/subreport.



DNV Srikanth

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thanks for the reply...


but maybe i didn't explain correctly, i need the time to fill each subreport not the master report, that one i already have but i need to now which section (sub-report) is taking longer...


all the master and sub reports are pre-compiled using iReport and i don't care how long they take to compile, just need the filling/print time...


thanks anyway, and i will look to the examples again..


hope i made my self clear now :)

if someone can help, thanks in advance,

João Taborda

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thanks Lucian, i think that's exactly what i need... now i have two more question about this subject


first one is a legal one:

I'm using jasperreport as a tool to generate reports in a commercial program... i know jasperreport have a peculiar license about changing code for commercial use... is this considered changing?.. i think not, since is just "extending" a class...


can someone confirm it?


second one:

i still need to understand how to make jasper call my new JRSubreportRunner implementation instead of the default one (don't bother to answer if this is really a stupid question, i still didn't look for it and i think it will be easy to find the answer :D


thanks very much,

hope someone can enlight me about the "legal" question,

João Taborda

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I'm not a lawyer either, but extending a JasperReports class is not considered changing the JR code if you ask me. Btw, JR doesn't have a "peculiar" license; it's LGPL which is a "standard" license used by numerous open source products.


Regarding your second question, you will need to write an implementation of net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRSubreportRunnerFactory that produces instances of your (extended) class, and configure JR to use your factory by putting the following line in jasperreports.properties (which should be placed on your application's classpath):


net.sf.jasperreports.subreport.runner.factory=<your factory class name>




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Thanks again for this answer :)...


i checked the license (before i had just believe what someone told me about it) and if i don't change the JR library (jar) then it's not illegal to use it in a commercial product..


i will now try to implement this class to register times of filling of diferent reports and will let you know out it worked :).. thanks for the tips about how to start this...


best regards, keep the good work :)

João Taborda

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